at the Illinois State Fair this summer!
Also competetive eating contests for canteloupe, donuts, sweet corn, watermelon, french fries, funnel cakes, and more...
"This will be a unique way to highlight the traditional fair food and make people aware of all the fantastic food options at the Illinois State Fair.???
Each day??™s contest, which will take place at 3 p.m. ...will feature a different fair food"
Here are details and of which is...
"Contestants who throw up during or immediately after the competition are disqualified."
Also competetive eating contests for canteloupe, donuts, sweet corn, watermelon, french fries, funnel cakes, and more...
"This will be a unique way to highlight the traditional fair food and make people aware of all the fantastic food options at the Illinois State Fair.???
Each day??™s contest, which will take place at 3 p.m. ...will feature a different fair food"
Here are details and of which is...
"Contestants who throw up during or immediately after the competition are disqualified."