Did anybody catch the newest ESPN 30 For 30 that debuted this week? It's about Bill McCartney, former Colorado University football coach who also is the founder of Promise Keepers. As a 30-something, I'm not old enough to remember much of anything from the late 80's, so this was all new material for me.
It's a fantastic documentary with so many angles and story lines. I can't even fathom how things would have played out in today's social media driven world. I strongly encourage you to find it On Demand or set your DVR for a future recording (it airs a few more times in the next week).
It's a fantastic documentary with so many angles and story lines. I can't even fathom how things would have played out in today's social media driven world. I strongly encourage you to find it On Demand or set your DVR for a future recording (it airs a few more times in the next week).