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OT: An Elementary School shooting
Originally posted by lefty View PostAnd they are reporting 18 children dead....looks like kindergarten kids..and then teachers and a principal....
24 yr old kid did the shooting
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this is unbelievable...these families will need lots of prayer, counseling and support.....
And here I was thinking about how important this weekend is for the Valley...not so important now.
Does anyone have a clue why this is becoming so prevalent in our society? I was at a mall yesterday with my SO and I was keeping an eye on everyone, looking for exits and making sure she was not to far from me.
My prayers go out to the family of these kids. I'm an anti-death penalty person but this is one of those senseless heinous crimes where I may even change my mind if they cut, draw and quartered the sick bastard."Educate and inform the whole mass of the people...they are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty."
??” Thomas Jefferson
Originally posted by Da Coach View PostMaybe violent, shoot-em-up, fantasy video games are one factor?"Educate and inform the whole mass of the people...they are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty."
??” Thomas Jefferson
Originally posted by SFP View PostI'd have to believe that one could find a correlation and and add that these games are getting more sophisticated, realistic and a greater disconnect from society from certain segments of our society, there will be more of these senseless crimes.
Those are my thoughts as well including the disregard of human life in violent movies too....
Interesting that these guys who want to commit suicide don't go shooting into gang neighborhoods and knowing they will be shot....Is it possible they won't get their 15 minutes of fame on TV and internet doing it that way? they attack defenseless skids in schools, or people in movie theatres and malls
Everyone now forgets the Oregon mall shooting too.....
as the facts emerge we will see that this shooter took the guns from his mother's home...
sadly if anyone is allowed to own legal weapons but allows mentally unstable or violent/troubled kids into their home - this is gonna happen...
but even if the guy didn't have access to guns - even a can of gasoline or a knife can so the same damage...
If he's hell-bent on killing people then I doubt there's a way to stop the individuals but it's all the more argument that kids all need stable 2-parent families to grow up in...we need to stop promoting the opposite as an equal way of life..
Deny it if you want but every study proves the same thing..
INTRODUCTION Policymakers at last are coming to recognize the connection between the breakdown of American families and various social problems. The unfolding debate over welfare reform, for instance, has been shaped by the wide acceptance in recent years that children born into single-parent families are much more likely than children of intact families to fall into poverty and welfare dependence themselves in later years. These children, in fact, face a daunting array of problems.
Transfer this shameful act to here in Peoria .....
Say for the sake of conversation here this terrible event took place here in Peoria. No school in particular. Just one. The school has a hint of security. The act happens. People start blaming the guns {Why is it never the fault of the silverware people are over-weight?}. They ask why there was not enough security protection. Put it all together, people. When you gave our state the ability of hounding us for not wearing a seat belt, everything changed. EVERYTHING. PERIOD. Harassing the public for 'common sense violations' should NEVER be the intent of the police. You do not believe me? It is now the law {not simply AND ONLY common sense} our head lights must be turned on when it is dark out and the windshield wipers have to be turned on when it is raining out. ?????????? Where was adequate security when this atrocious act took place? You do the math. 'To serve and protect'. Come on.There has got to be some place we can go to have fun!
Originally posted by Da Coach View PostMaybe violent, shoot-em-up, fantasy video games are one factor?
I agree with this. There are way to many violent video games available for kids to buy. Unbelievable graphics, language, scenes, etc. These video game makers are always trying to come up with another game to "shock" the market and create "hype." This also applies to all these military games featuring "Navy Seals or Elite fighting forces" from other countries that are perceived as enemies of the United States. Any time you get "points" for killing humans in some of the most realistic looking just gives kids ideas to follow.Then you add in the ability to play against other "soldiers" in a live mode on the game, well, your just making kids compete to get better at killing opponents.
These kids are getting a thrill from winning by killing the most.
Most of these same reasons apply to the media as well. You have all these CSI type shows on TV now. Those producers must come up with new ideas every week for a new show for a crime scene. They always push the limits to make people watch. Its just as bad when some dumb a$$ director make a two and a half hour movie about some tragedy. These !diots can't wait to buy the movie rights from a victim or some a**hole who makes national news committing some horrific crime on society.Which often leads to a copycat killer.
most of these attackers are also shy kids who were bright but quirky growing up and most were poked fun at and even bullied...
Of course that does not excuse them snapping and going violent but it does seem to be a pattern that later in life when their job,
relationship, or something else fails or falls thru - they finally reach a breaking point and decide to "get even with society"...
Originally posted by tornado View Postas the facts emerge we will see that this shooter took the guns from his mother's home...
sadly if anyone is allowed to own legal weapons but allows mentally unstable or violent/troubled kids into their home - this is gonna happen...
but even if the guy didn't have access to guns - even a can of gasoline or a knife can so the same damage...
If he's hell-bent on killing people then I doubt there's a way to stop the individuals but it's all the more argument that kids all need stable 2-parent families to grow up in...we need to stop promoting the opposite as an equal way of life..
Deny it if you want but every study proves the same thing..
INTRODUCTION Policymakers at last are coming to recognize the connection between the breakdown of American families and various social problems. The unfolding debate over welfare reform, for instance, has been shaped by the wide acceptance in recent years that children born into single-parent families are much more likely than children of intact families to fall into poverty and welfare dependence themselves in later years. These children, in fact, face a daunting array of problems.
We all know the real reasons why more and more shootings are occurring, but that doens't stop morons like Andrea Mitchell on NBC yesterday ragging at the gun lobby for "too many easily accessable" guns in society. The bodies weren't even cold yesterday, and everyone in the media, along with some politicians including the "esteemed" Governor Quinn of Illinois were lobbying for more gun control!
Here's a news flash for most people: This country has had plenty of armed people since the beginning of the USA, but only recently have these mass murderers become a phenomenon. There are several reasons why we see more of these types of mass murders. As tornado mentioned, the lack of two parent families. People who exhibit these types of unstable personalities who fall through the cracks before people can get to these people before they snap. Too many people on antidepressant drugs or other substances. Too much influence from violent video games, movies and the internet, and lack of attention from society in general. These were not factors in existance 40 years ago, and that's why there weren't too many instances of these types of events. I think the sooner society addresses these issues, and lessens their obsession with whether or not there are too many guns around, the better off and more safe we will all be.
Here is the gun-control advocate's WORST NIGHTMARE!
What is the single thing that sparks the BIGGEST sale of guns??
well - sadly, it is anti-gun talk by gun-control advocates...they are actually making the problem in Chicago & other cities WORSE!
Just the mere discussion of tighter gun laws has sparked a RECORD-SETTING run on guns and ammo sales...
In fact - the LA Times reports that more than 3 and a half years' worth of ammo has been bought in the past few DAYS!
Calls for stricter weapons laws after the massacre at a Connecticut elementary school have gun enthusiasts scrambling to buy firearms before they’re potentially restricted or banned outright.
and in any city where tighter gun control laws are even mentioned - let alone discussed - guess what the HOTTEST commodity becomes -
yup -- there's a horrific INFLUX of new guns into that city!
I kinda think this proves even if they passed a full federal ban on all firearms & ammo - it not only wouldn't work - it would greatly INCREASE the value of guns & ammo and boost the sales of them tremendously! I don't own guns, don't shoot them, and never would - but I see the fallacy in trying to outlaw something that people still want & will continue to get even if by illegal means. If we just institute stiffer penalties - as you can see from my post in the other thread - many of the current cases of gun violence would NOT be happening because they are being committed by people who should have been in jail for their last gun crime!
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