Originally posted by SFP
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.. independent scientists working at U of I (never having anything more than minimal educational grants) developed what was and still is the precursor to the internet..they even developed the very first computer message boards and personal notes (e mail!!) and playing community games and even one-on-one games against anyone, anywhere who was hooked by phone lines to the system, and EVEN touch-screen technology!!!!
They have never properly been given credit because they have never asked for it - but as far back as 1973 I used the U of I PLATO computer system precisely as people use the internet today to collaborate with, access publications, and even play games againsat people as far away as Europe and Guam.
I have every confidence that independent of any federal government help - the internet would have evolved anyway...
Some developments elsewhere like mass production of penicillin can be attributed to federal employees...although all the prior work - the discovery, the actual production and development was done privately - but again, I fully believe these developments would have come along just fine had the federal government stepped out of the way and actually stopped using their endless federal pocketbook in their efforts to compete AGAINST the private markets and researchers.
In the end - all other antibiotics subsequently developed over the past 80 years have indeed come from the private research that goes on all the time at PRIVATE corporations like Eli Lilly, Merck, Novartis, and Pfizer.
In fact - federal bureaucracy and regulations have done nothing to help and everything to hamper.