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NFL quarterback admits doing booze & drugs in college and as far back as 12 years of age

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  • NFL quarterback admits doing booze & drugs in college and as far back as 12 years of age

    This one is bizarre, but it doesn't surprise me at all...
    in fact..yesterday several other ex-pro athletes also admitted doing steroids (in the Bonds case) suggesting as some have said for years -- that the pct. doing it is LARGE and not small....

    Erik Ainge -- the nephew of BYU & Celtics great Danny Ainge...
    played quarterback for University of Tennessee and is now backup for the NY Jets...

    Ainge says he started using drugs and booze at age continued thru college and that while playing quarterback for Tennessee he was frequently abusing narcotics (usually prescription narcotics) AND HEROIN!!
    He also says he was being given some of the narcotics BY THE TEAM PHYSICIAN!!! (the team doctor for the University of Tennessee Vols).

  • #2
    Nothing surprises me with college football, especially in the south! I know of a southern college team in the 1980's in which the players were offered a lot of marijuana after a big win!
    Bradley 72 - Illini 68 Final

    ???It??™s awful hard,??™??™ said Illini freshman guard D.J. Richardson, the former Central High School guard who played prep school ball a few miles from here and fought back tears outside the locker room. ???It??™s a hometown thing. It??™s bragging rights.??™


    • #3
      Originally posted by tornado View Post
      he was frequently abusing narcotics (usually prescription narcotics)
      All narcotic pain medication in the US is by prescription. Codeine is available OTC in other countries.

      It seems to be very common for team physicians in football to dispense narcotic pain meds. It may seem easy to vilify the team physician and the athletic department at UT, but addicts are usually very good at hiding symptoms and getting drugs.
      I can do all things through pasta, which strengthens me.


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