Originally posted by Out of Balance
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"Tiger...what a cheater, why are they showing him on the driving range forever" this quote could have very well been
"Oh Tiger, he is so good he was won 70+, 14 majors, and is the best golfer ever...I love how they are showing him on the range. I want to be him."
What is your problem with me bringing race into it. When did I say he was the first minority golfer? You are telling me that golf throughout history has not been dominated by upper class white males? You think more kids would say football is more boring than golf? You are telling me that African-American participation in watching/playing golf has not been affected by Tiger Woods?? WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?
About being a role model. Do you think the NBA players wholeheartedly want to appear with NBA Cares? How many professional athletes are actually legitimate role models? They do it because they know it will make them look good. So TW got caught but he is no worse than many who haven't.
For the record: I would rather have my role model cheating on his wife then running people over drunk, assaulting 17 year old girls, doing drugs, and flashing gang signs. Would you rather your kid hear about his role model cheating on his wife or doing drugs (drugs which could pop into his life much sooner).
Tiger can be a role model by pumping up fans to the game of golf and showing kids and adults where HARD WORK gets you.
Tiger is Tiger? Why is he being ridiculed for his interview? Did you ever think that maybe it is his WIN WIN SERIOUS FOCUSED COMPETITIVE attitude that is a major part of his success?
This "Tigering" up the golf course arguement is still total BS
Yeah the course appeared to be playing easy...but I don't see why that makes it help TW and no one else.
EDIT: don't call me friend and be all mean