"When reached on Tuesday night, Izzo told Yahoo! Sports that he hadn??™t been contacted by the Bulls, but sounded willing to discuss the job with them.
???I??™m not counting out any (job openings) because you can??™t,??? Izzo said. ???College or pro.
???I go back and forth on (coaching in the NBA),??? he continued. ???I still think it??™s the ultimate level. There is something about it. I look at it and say, ???It??™s a real challenge.??™ But I love what I do too. I go down and look at what the Pistons (coaches) do in preparation and I think, ???That??™s insane.??™
???But I look at what I do in terms of recruiting and I think, ???That??™s insane.??™ ???
The Bulls are under the impression, sources said, that Izzo is eager to speak with them. Some believe he has grown restless in East Lansing, and it??™s believed he would??™ve become the Kansas coach had Bill Self taken the Oklahoma State job."
This could make Izzo, 53, a wild card in this search."