He is ranting about a couple "old news" items.
It sounds like he just got tired of writing nice things and finally had to fire off one of his "Phil Theobald"-type rants.
It especially sounds like he is just ticked off that he is not called by Bradley to keep him informed, and that the news he gets about Bradley is from other internet bulletins and is on the message boards way before he has a chance to comment on it.
He seems quite disturbed about Bradley's plans for the private property they own on the hilltop. As far as I see it, Bradley has done nothing wrong and has not been dishonest, even if they haven't been completely out in the open about their plans. But if you were trying to buy property, would you lay out all your plans for it before you could complete the purchase? That's nuts!
He is also miffed that he thought the NCAA issue was clkosed. Now we find out about the probation and slap on the wrist. But is anyone else surprised? Seems like KW is the only one.
He also says this--
"But - whether the issue is campus expansion into an adjacent neighborhood or an NCAA investigation, the basketball coach's contract status or the definitive NBA plans of a star underclassman - they don't respect you enough to be open and trust you with the truth."
Again, Bradley is under no obligation to tell the public everything they know about any of these subjects. KW's statement suggests Bradley has been dishonest or lied about them. I would like to know where he got that?
But then he says this-
"This is why residents of the neighborhoods adjacent to the university are wary of it. This is why loyal individuals on the campus shake their heads after years of service to the school. This is why some of us wonder."
Come on KW! If you know something about a "loyal individual" shaking their head about this, then why don't you give us a name and be more specific? You are doing exactly the same thing you accuse Bradley of doing!