I noticed a good number of people seem to be coming to town and I started writing this in one of those threads but decided it deserved it's own. While I sincerely hope you lose the game, I hope you have a good time in town
. Many are taking the bus and it is a game & out. To them, grab some BBQ just west of the Reynolds Center on Harvard at Wilsons BBQ... at least a little bit of Tulsa (not the fast food across from campus).
If you can stay a day (you drove 600 miles!)...
Then let me give you an early "welcome to Oklahoma."
I hope you guys check out town a little bit before turning and running for home. We should be in the 70's on Saturday though it is supposed to be cold tonight. Tons of stuff going on around town tomorrow... float over to Tulsanow.org/forums if you plan on making a weekend out of it and ask - they seem to be in the know.
FIRST: The Crown Plaza would probably be the best place to stay. For whatever reason there are no Hotels that actually serve the University of Tulsa.
Things to do on Saturday:
- Arena Football Game (Tulsa Talons, downtown)
- Worlds Largest Gun Show ~ 10 acres of firearms under one roof (how very Oklahoman, at Expo Square, 2 miles fro campus)
- Symphony Performance this weekend
- Tulsa Drillers have a baseball game (at Expo - 2 miles from campus)
- Several plays are on at the PAC
- Gilcrease Museum of Native America
- Philbrook Museum of Art (at a Phillips mansion, as in Phillips 66)
- Downtown art galleries
- Horse show at Expo (smaller one though)
- D League NBA Game at Expo
- The PAC has a couple plays running
- Zoo or Aquarium
- Grab some drinks in the BlueDome District or Across the tracks at the Brady (both downtown - always some live music in the Brady), Brookside (more yuppy/young professional) or Cherry Street districts [there is a trolley that goes between them too]
- Just North of Tulsa you can say you were actually in the Cherokee Nation (or Creek, Osage, or several others). Just to say you did it.
- Golf courses are open in Tulsa (greens in good shape, rest is still ify - but an early round of golf nonetheless), pubic courses are cheap (some are night lit) or we have PGA courses also.
- Go make fun of the giant praying hands at Oral Roberts University (cross town rival)
- Ask a bartender or anyone else downtown where the Center of the Universe is. Entertaining if you are nearby.
- Casino's-a-plenty. Cherokee Casino on I-44 or the Osage Million Dollar Elm north of downtown are the biggest. The Cherokee has a great poker room (with fair rakes) but the black jack has a BS anti most days. Anyway, good times and often a show or some cheap buffets.
And all the standard crap - movies, outdoor shopping areas, local restaurants (Wilsons BBQ is near TU and highly recommended for a quick non-fancy bite. Plenty of neat places from Sushi, to 5 star, to grease traps), movies, antiques, etc. etc.
Tulsa is not Chicago, it's not Memphis... but there is plenty to do and certainly there should be a great trip in it. If it comes town to it respond and tell me all these things suck, what else... and I'll come up with something.
Good luck tonight (ok, that is less than ernest), but win or lose I hope you have a good trip.

If you can stay a day (you drove 600 miles!)...
Originally posted by IheartBU
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I hope you guys check out town a little bit before turning and running for home. We should be in the 70's on Saturday though it is supposed to be cold tonight. Tons of stuff going on around town tomorrow... float over to Tulsanow.org/forums if you plan on making a weekend out of it and ask - they seem to be in the know.
FIRST: The Crown Plaza would probably be the best place to stay. For whatever reason there are no Hotels that actually serve the University of Tulsa.
Things to do on Saturday:
- Arena Football Game (Tulsa Talons, downtown)
- Worlds Largest Gun Show ~ 10 acres of firearms under one roof (how very Oklahoman, at Expo Square, 2 miles fro campus)
- Symphony Performance this weekend
- Tulsa Drillers have a baseball game (at Expo - 2 miles from campus)
- Several plays are on at the PAC
- Gilcrease Museum of Native America
- Philbrook Museum of Art (at a Phillips mansion, as in Phillips 66)
- Downtown art galleries
- Horse show at Expo (smaller one though)
- D League NBA Game at Expo
- The PAC has a couple plays running
- Zoo or Aquarium
- Grab some drinks in the BlueDome District or Across the tracks at the Brady (both downtown - always some live music in the Brady), Brookside (more yuppy/young professional) or Cherry Street districts [there is a trolley that goes between them too]
- Just North of Tulsa you can say you were actually in the Cherokee Nation (or Creek, Osage, or several others). Just to say you did it.
- Golf courses are open in Tulsa (greens in good shape, rest is still ify - but an early round of golf nonetheless), pubic courses are cheap (some are night lit) or we have PGA courses also.
- Go make fun of the giant praying hands at Oral Roberts University (cross town rival)
- Ask a bartender or anyone else downtown where the Center of the Universe is. Entertaining if you are nearby.
- Casino's-a-plenty. Cherokee Casino on I-44 or the Osage Million Dollar Elm north of downtown are the biggest. The Cherokee has a great poker room (with fair rakes) but the black jack has a BS anti most days. Anyway, good times and often a show or some cheap buffets.
And all the standard crap - movies, outdoor shopping areas, local restaurants (Wilsons BBQ is near TU and highly recommended for a quick non-fancy bite. Plenty of neat places from Sushi, to 5 star, to grease traps), movies, antiques, etc. etc.
Tulsa is not Chicago, it's not Memphis... but there is plenty to do and certainly there should be a great trip in it. If it comes town to it respond and tell me all these things suck, what else... and I'll come up with something.
Good luck tonight (ok, that is less than ernest), but win or lose I hope you have a good trip.