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Who's goin to Tulsa Friday?

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  • #16
    I am PROUD to say the I AM IN!

    Come on BF posters shake you piggy banks and help BU bring home our first tournament championship in a long time. You are missing out on the chance to miss a great event in BU history. Winning a championship on the opponents home floor in April.

    DC will you be making the trip again?
    Get Well Massive Mike! "Once a Brave always a Brave!"


    • #17
      I will be going on the bus.


      • #18
        can we get a confirmation of cost and time's of departure and arrival?
        Gloria: Who's side are you on?
        Jay: She's my daughter, you're my wife. Let's remember what's important, there's a football game on today


        • #19
          Originally posted by BUconnorD View Post
          can we get a confirmation of cost and time's of departure and arrival?
          As of now there are 2 busses. There could be more if there is enough demand.

          Departs Friday morning from Shea Stadium parking lot at 8 am. Arrives at Tulsa arena around 5 pm. Leaves from arena after game, around 10pm, and arrives back at Shea Stadium parking lot at around 6 am Saturday morning.
          Cost $70, includes seat on bus and a ticket to the game. They make a couple stops for food and breaks on the way down, but did not stop on the way back Monday. There is a toilet on the bus. Bring your pillow, and any personal entertainment devices (laptop, Ipod, CD player, etc.).


          • #20
            Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
            As of now there are 2 busses. There could be more if there is enough demand.

            Departs Friday morning from Shea Stadium parking lot at 8 am. Arrives at Tulsa arena around 5 pm. Leaves from arena after game, around 10pm, and arrives back at Shea Stadium parking lot at around 6 am Saturday morning.
            Cost $70, includes seat on bus and a ticket to the game. They make a couple stops for food and breaks on the way down, but did not stop on the way back Monday. There is a toilet on the bus. Bring your pillow, and any personal entertainment devices (laptop, Ipod, CD player, etc.).
            thanks DC...considering going to game.

            but 70 bucks is loooots of money (especially when i don't have a real job)
            Gloria: Who's side are you on?
            Jay: She's my daughter, you're my wife. Let's remember what's important, there's a football game on today


            • #21

              Just talked to the lovely Jackie Diemer -- They've got one bus full and are working on #2.


              • #22
                OB74 and I for a road trip....GOlf and BU basketball two favorite things.

                I'm trying to come up with a laptop to keep you guys informed. Maybe I'll have to get one of those Helmet type antena's the guy from SNL used to use for live feeds. Anyone recall that skit....everytime he turned his head the feed would scramble. Classic.


                • #23
                  A few of us will be riding on the bus down to Tulsa. I hope to be down there when we cut those nets.


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