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Who's goin to Tulsa Friday?

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  • Who's goin to Tulsa Friday?

    Just wondering who is planning on making the trip out for Friday's game. On tonight's postgame show Dave mentiond that there would be another bus trip organized through the Braves Club. As much as I wanna see us win our first postseason championship in 20-plus years, I'm assuming it's gonna be expensive, and it's a hell of a long bus ride. So anyone, especially students gonna make the trip?
    Once A Brave ... Always A Brave

  • #2
    We'll be making the 15-minute trip to the Reynolds Center to see the Braves win the title...


    • #3
      I heard 2 buses are planned, same price as the other day (~$70?)


      • #4
        Did you manage to sneak on the Tulsa bus TB?

        I am a student, and I am considering going. But not if I am going to be the only student traveling.
        Will give legal advice for beer


        • #5
          I am a student and would love to go, but I cant float that $70
          Bradley Basketball... One Tradition; Underachievement. 2008-Current.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Gwright View Post
            Did you manage to sneak on the Tulsa bus TB?

            I am a student, and I am considering going. But not if I am going to be the only student traveling.

            They ended up cancelling the bus due to not enough interest, so I watched it from home.


            • #7
              While nothing is cast in stone as yet, it appears likely that DRU and I will be making the road trip to Tulsa.....but definitely not on the bus!

              Dallas Brave is deciding whether he can make it up to the game. He has a commitment on Saturday morning, so he's sleeping on it and will let me know in the morning.


              • #8
                If I didn't have a job interview at 1:30 Friday afternoon, I would be scrambling right now to find $70 to go to Tulsa. Man I wish I could be there when BU puts it to Tulsa on their home court and wins the Championship.


                • #9
                  I'm out.

                  As I posted in another thread, I won't be going because......

                  I made a deal with my wife when we got married.... I get the month of March... to do whatever I want, period! She gets the other 11. And it has worked great so far.

                  Just got home and told her I wanted to road trip to Tulsa and she said "Ain't gonna happen - You're smokin' crack - cause it's April."



                  • #10
                    you need to remind her that the rules have now changed since the Braves are playing in April for the 1st time in over 100 were you to know?


                    • #11
                      MM, you are smart to keep the wifey happy. She lets you get away with an awful lot! Maybe we can get her to become as big a Bradley fan as you are!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
                        MM, you are smart to keep the wifey happy. She lets you get away with an awful lot! Maybe we can get her to become as big a Bradley fan as you are!
                        She is a BU fan. Our first date, I took her to the BU-Penn St game. She found out who I really was that night.

                        On another funny side... my wife isn't always happy unless she has something to complain about... and I keep her plenty happy.

                        But anyway, our daughter has picked up Bradley pretty hard core from me (us). She might become the biggest fan in the household yet. I'm gonna work on her cross-over this summer.


                        • #13
                          I'd love to go, I just don't know if it's logistically possible for me.
                          Here's the deal, Wyoming for football, Bradley for basketball.

                          Surviving Orwellian message boards since 1984


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by MacabreMob View Post
                            I'm out.

                            As I posted in another thread, I won't be going because......

                            I made a deal with my wife when we got married.... I get the month of March... to do whatever I want, period! She gets the other 11. And it has worked great so far.

                            Just got home and told her I wanted to road trip to Tulsa and she said "Ain't gonna happen - You're smokin' crack - cause it's April."

                            aaaah compromising the married life...something I don't even wanna think about.

                            70 bucks?!?!? it was like 5 bucks for Maryland for Soccer!

                            too expensive. cheaper to drop the money for Gorman's pizza deal tomorrow
                            Gloria: Who's side are you on?
                            Jay: She's my daughter, you're my wife. Let's remember what's important, there's a football game on today


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by MacabreMob View Post
                              She is a BU fan. Our first date, I took her to the BU-Penn St game. She found out who I really was that night.

                              On another funny side... my wife isn't always happy unless she has something to complain about... and I keep her plenty happy.

                              But anyway, our daughter has picked up Bradley pretty hard core from me (us). She might become the biggest fan in the household yet. I'm gonna work on her cross-over this summer.
                              MM getting your daughter ready to be a future Brave already-we need more dads in the area doing that and then the better players will stay home where they become celebrities-lets face it how many are really going to care what MR does at IU the next 4 years. I can speak for myself I wish him the best of luck but could care less how many points he scores and lets face it JC & DR have it made here in P-Town but not if they had gone away to school


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