Maybe someone at the newspaper needs to check into this one.... 

but just a month ago a flap occurred when Duke Coach Mike Krzyzewski was quoted as saying
"unlike other schools we don't publicize our injuries"
This ticked off UNC head coach Roy Williams, who was upset because he interpreted that as a slam against his program which had numerous injuries.
"Tar Heels' Roy Williams is miffed at comment by Coach K"
"Regardless of what somebody else says about they have injuries, too, which is a bunch of bunk,
so I don't give a crap what somebody else says, but coach their own da**ed team, I'll coach my team —
in case anybody has heard some statements about that."
The whole thing blew over when Coach K said he really never mentioned "other programs", but that he did definitely say
"I never said 'like other schools,' " Krzyzewski said Monday. "I said we don't publicize our injuries"
BUT>>>> This morning we find this on the DUKE website....
a detailed publicizing of their injuries!!!!
"Two Blue Devils Undergo Successful Surgery On Tuesday"

but just a month ago a flap occurred when Duke Coach Mike Krzyzewski was quoted as saying
"unlike other schools we don't publicize our injuries"
This ticked off UNC head coach Roy Williams, who was upset because he interpreted that as a slam against his program which had numerous injuries.
"Tar Heels' Roy Williams is miffed at comment by Coach K"
"Regardless of what somebody else says about they have injuries, too, which is a bunch of bunk,
so I don't give a crap what somebody else says, but coach their own da**ed team, I'll coach my team —
in case anybody has heard some statements about that."
The whole thing blew over when Coach K said he really never mentioned "other programs", but that he did definitely say
"I never said 'like other schools,' " Krzyzewski said Monday. "I said we don't publicize our injuries"
BUT>>>> This morning we find this on the DUKE website....
a detailed publicizing of their injuries!!!!
"Two Blue Devils Undergo Successful Surgery On Tuesday"