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Time for a verbal?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by mrcoachdude View Post
    thinking he may be more of a 4 instead of a 5....but who knows
    Yeah toss SS/RA at the 5 to eat space and defend the post and let AT do his thing (face up, back to basket, etc.) and gobble up boards.
    I don't smoke weed...I smoke dudes like you on the bball court


    • #17
      He is listed at 186lbs on the roster...the same as the whole 1ft shorter TCS!!!! How is that possible!!?!?!? Kinda funny to me .. anyways, I have heard that AT has gained upwards of 30lbs of muscle since arriving on campus over the summer. Did he play other sports in HS that prevented him from lifting outside of bball season?


      • #18
        I think it's time for a verbal. Hopefully there are some recruits there tomorrow night.
        Onward and Upward!


        • #19
          Swingman or big man that is the question...


          • #20
            Originally posted by TheHeemyMonster View Post
            Swingman or big man that is the question...
            Getting late! Not sure there is anyone out there that can come in and help next yr. but a JC. I was hoping for a 4yr. player!


            • #21
              Originally posted by Out of Balance View Post
              Getting late! Not sure there is anyone out there that can come in and help next yr. but a JC. I was hoping for a 4yr. player!
              I still want a four-year player. Look long term here.


              • #22
                Originally posted by beanocookschins View Post
                I still want a four-year player. Look long term here.
                Absolutely. I don't think anyone is looking for someone to fill a scholarship at this point and then come in and contribute next year. Get a 4-year guy with the ability to step in as a junior who knows the system and be a solid performer.
                I don't smoke weed...I smoke dudes like you on the bball court


                • #23
                  Originally posted by beanocookschins View Post
                  I still want a four-year player. Look long term here.
                  That is and always has been the coach's preference, too. But it is not as simple as just choosing to go with a 4-year vs. a 2-year recruit. They looks at all aspects of the kid and how he will help Bradley. I believe their top priorities now are a couple prep kids, but if they don't pan out, I would rather see them go after someone who can play and contribute next year, even if it's a juco, rather than a high school kid that is a project.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
                    That is and always has been the coach's preference, too. But it is not as simple as just choosing to go with a 4-year vs. a 2-year recruit. They looks at all aspects of the kid and how he will help Bradley. I believe their top priorities now are a couple prep kids, but if they don't pan out, I would rather see them go after someone who can play and contribute next year, even if it's a juco, rather than a high school kid that is a project.
                    I would hope their preference is four-year guys over two. Unfortunately it hasn't been that way the last few years (some of this is to make up for recruiting mistakes with guys like Williams, Fears, Buckys, Brown, Crawford, etc.)

                    I understand coaches look at all aspects of a kid and how he fits a program. If they weren't I would wonder what they are doing.

                    We do kinda disagree. I would take a HS project that could redshirt and grow over a JUCO guy. Especially late JUCO guys. They tend to be greatly overrecruited because so many teams have needs and are desperate. I don't want to fall into that trap. A prep school kid would be a nice option. I would even take a DI transfer (after their freshman season) and get three years of that over a JUCO guy.


                    • #25
                      I am all for getting a prep player as he is usually older and still gets 4 years of elgibility.


                      • #26
                        Mike Burwell was in town for a visit. Anyone know how the visit went?
                        Onward and Upward!


                        • #27
                 I am starting to get worried. We need to fill this scholarship!
                          Onward and Upward!


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by BradleyBrave View Post
                   I am starting to get worried. We need to fill this scholarship!

                            I'm available, but I havn't been offered. I'm thinking of calling a press conference, just to announce that I have nothing to announce.
                            DUBL R 1


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by BradleyBrave View Post
                     I am starting to get worried. We need to fill this scholarship!

                              BB, Why do we need to fill this last scholarship? What is the rush or immediate need? We have 13 players, 12 scholarship players, depth in the guard and small forward position, some depth on the interior and decent experience coming back.

                              I am not sure that it is essential to go and get someone to fill this scholarship. I would not hate to see us hold the scholarship for next season when we lose SS, TW TCS Austin and Collins.

                              I dont see the immediate need this season, unless we can use the scholarship for a 4 year player who is either to good to pass up or one who is coming with the understanding he redshirts.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by houstontxbrave View Post
                                BB, Why do we need to fill this last scholarship? What is the rush or immediate need? We have 13 players, 12 scholarship players, depth in the guard and small forward position, some depth on the interior and decent experience coming back.

                                I am not sure that it is essential to go and get someone to fill this scholarship. I would not hate to see us hold the scholarship for next season when we lose SS, TW TCS Austin and Collins.

                                I dont see the immediate need this season, unless we can use the scholarship for a 4 year player who is either to good to pass up or one who is coming with the understanding he redshirts.

                                I agree completely. PT is always an issue and more so with a scholi being used just to award them all. Have enough players to fill the required roles on the team and have enough practice players. You can always award a one year scholi to a walk-on. Team harmony is important.
                                Last edited by mike radigan; 04-10-2008, 02:21 PM.


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