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Virginia Roll Call

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  • Virginia Roll Call

    Alright, anybody else gonna be there? I will!
    A real fan celebrates the successes, but also acknowledges the failures of his team.

  • #2
    Man I wish I could be there, two tests tho that day so zero chance of that happening


    • #3
      Well, in case anybody makes any last second plans....

      BU is out of comped tickets, apparently they didn't get a whole bunch.

      I ended up in Section 108, Row A, the first seats behind floor seating I was told.

      I might be loud and vocal, but I'm not sure I'll be able to measure up to last night's crowd, on my own, in a sea of Virginia fans, but I'll try!!!
      A real fan celebrates the successes, but also acknowledges the failures of his team.


      • #4
        Go get 'em iceman. How did we not get a lot of tickets when they get 6460 out of a capacity of 14,593?
        Return to Glory


        • #5
          I tried, but it's just too hard to get from Peoria to Charlottesville, VA. Indianapolis has a cheap flight to Richmond on Northwest, but it a long drive to Indy, and the flight doesn't get into Richmond until 5:30. And it's about 1 1/2 hour drive from the Richmond airport to UVa. So that wouldn't work. All the other possibilities involved driving to Chicago and paying outrageous prices for flights to Washington DC and driving several hours. I'd have to have the next 2 days completely free and a bag full of money to do that. So I had to finally admit defeat and pass on this trip.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Rusty 54 View Post
            Go get 'em iceman. How did we not get a lot of tickets when they get 6460 out of a capacity of 14,593?
            i was there....there was at least 10,000 there.....something was wrong with that count....lower level had zero empty seats and upper deck was halfway full....i've been to regular season games(against teams like hampton) that had fewer people but the "attendance" was 14,000.....they never get it right, all they know is that acc games are always sold out


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