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TV coverage for Bradley-Virginia game

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  • TV coverage for Bradley-Virginia game

    Here is the link to the CBI site to subscribe for the online video of the Bradley-Virginia game--

    Does anyone know how to sign up for the $6.95 price?

    According to this site, the only options are a $29.95 price for the complete tournament, or $12.95 for a 24 hour pass.

  • #2
    I watched the game last night on it. The 6.95 option must only come up around game time.


    • #3
      Thanks, Ogre. Were there any problems with the video steaming?

      Also, if anyone knows the exact cable channel numbers (for the Peoria area) for the network that will carry the game, please post them here.


      • #4
        The CBI games are on DirecTV, channel 669 - so those with DirecTV can watch the game.

        I ordered the webcast last night, and it was decent. The camera angle was strange and kinda off center, but the quality was fine and they streamed the WMBD broadcast, so it worked out pretty well.

        Let's get a big W at Virginia. Would be great to play in the first ever 2 out of 3 finals!


        • #5
          No problems at all and I was on a Mac. It streams in Windows Media Player. The quality isn't good, but it was good enough if you have no other options.

          For sound they used the Peoria radio feed, and the syncing was a touch ahead of the game.

          They archive all the interviews and full games if you want to watch those again.

          Don't know much about the Peoria TV, but in Chicago many of the CBI games are on FCS Atlantic (Comcast 413). Last night no Bradley, but they had a doubleheader.

          One caveat, to see the games on Comcast you need the Sports Entertainment Package ($7/mo)


          • #6
            I would have loved to hear Snell during the final 10 minutes. One guy in my group that sits in front of him said he heard him and the classic call was on JC's three.

            JC with the THREE BALL for the DAGGER......

            Man I wonder if WMBD would do a rebroadcast of the radio feed. They used to run them at midnite years and years ago if I recall.

            I'd pay money to hear the last 10 minutes....


            • #7
              hey dogsrus.....if you REALLY wanna pay money to hear the last 10 minutes..... you can get onto gazellegroup's website and buy tomorrow's games and it gives you access to the past games (archived)...that's what we did last night and we watched the game before's broadcast...I'm sure you'll be able to hear those last 10 was amazing!


              • #8
                Originally posted by dogsrus View Post
                I'd pay money to hear the last 10 minutes....
                Well, the video broadcast last night through the CBI had the BU broadcasters (close to synched) audio. It's all apparently available on archive on the CBI site. Maybe someone who bought the game could explore and see if this works?

                Or ... you can drop the money dru and let us know if it's worthwhile...

                ***EDIT*** Jinx to STLBrave84
                Go Braves!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by STLBrave84 View Post
                  hey dogsrus.....if you REALLY wanna pay money to hear the last 10 minutes..... you can get onto gazellegroup's website and buy tomorrow's games and it gives you access to the past games (archived)...that's what we did last night and we watched the game before's broadcast...I'm sure you'll be able to hear those last 10 was amazing!



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Ogre View Post
                    Don't know much about the Peoria TV, but in Chicago many of the CBI games are on FCS Atlantic (Comcast 413). Last night no Bradley, but they had a doubleheader.
                    It looks like I'll be getting the Bradley game on tv tomorrow in Peoria. According to my tv listings, FCSA Channel 533 will be carrying both CBI games. It'll make paying that Comcast bill a little easier.
                    1996 & 2019


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by it's boogie time View Post
                      It looks like I'll be getting the Bradley game on tv tomorrow in Peoria. According to my tv listings, FCSA Channel 533 will be carrying both CBI games. It'll make paying that Comcast bill a little easier.
                      Right you are, guide on comcast Peoria says we get both games. Channel 533


                      • #12
                        Does anyone know if this is common enough of a channel that places like BWWs, Chili's, etc would have it?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
                          Here is the link to the CBI site to subscribe for the online video of the Bradley-Virginia game--


                          Does anyone know how to sign up for the $6.95 price?

                          According to this site, the only options are a $29.95 price for the complete tournament, or $12.95 for a 24 hour pass.

                          The $6.95 option is up now. The broadcast was good quality and definately worth the money. I agree, it was a strange kind of camera angle; almost like it was being hand held by a student. Oddly enough though I really kinda liked it. It really gave me the feeling that I was sitting at the game and watching it live.
                          If BU put this on themselves then I really hope they provide this quality for us out-of-towners next year


                          • #14
                            CBI Archives -- Missing OHIO vs. BRADLEY

                            The only game that is not in the archives from the CBI tournament is the Ohio/Bradley game...all other games are available which is very frustrating since many of us wanted to see that game.

                            I contacted the CBI web people before the game and they iassured me that it would be archived and available today. After checking with them this evening they said the only game NOT on the web site was the Bradley game from last night because they haven't been able to locate a copy of the game and Bradley hasn't supplied one.

                            They gave me my money back but I'd prefer to see the game. If anyone reads this post that can figure out what went wrong--please let us know.



                            • #15
                              Direct Tv channel 669 will have both games.


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