By the power vested in me as the official "Director of excitement"...a title bestowed upon me in South Padre by Bradleyfan posters Braves12, OB74, Dallas Brave, HoustonBrave with the honorary Mango presiding over the inaguration (anyone bored yet
I have OFFICIALLY declared Weds nite a REDOUT.
Do I here a second on this.......
Ahhh heck with it...I know MacbreMob is on board.
Lets do there....wear red. 10k is the goal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have OFFICIALLY declared Weds nite a REDOUT.
Do I here a second on this.......
Ahhh heck with it...I know MacbreMob is on board.
Lets do there....wear red. 10k is the goal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!