Originally posted by IheartBU
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Originally posted by Gwright View Postyou are right on the money. My vote is for a return to Zombie Nation as soon as we lose a game at carver... that brings the time to change to about... early January of next year?
I agree...get rid of this embarrassing thug anthem.
I just looked up the lyrics to the "song" and I realize it's even dumber and more embarrassing now that I know what the words are.
Glorifying the thug lifestyle is such a tired endeavor...but it's good to know that our basketball program is all for it.
I certainly don't like the new "jam" either, but we have to remember that it has to be something the players like, too. In reality, they need to get pumped up even more than fans.
I'd like to remind people that public outcry will command change in this situation. A couple years back BU had the idea to make the song "Let's Get it Started" by the Black Eyed Peas. But, everyone hated it (so much it even got booed by some) ... and it was changed back to Zombie Nation a couple games later.
Instead of all of us complaining, let's present some new ideas! Though I really enjoy Zombie Nation, so do many other teams. We should try to have something original to us!
Edit: Here's a few from me...
2 Unlimited - Twilight Zone
Black Eyed Peas - Pump It (Direct riffs from Dick Dale's surf classic - Miserlou, but this could appease the rap end with still a good beat)
Nelly - Heart of a Champion (Not as good for clapping but it's a perfect bball-type song)Go Braves!
Originally posted by IheartBU View PostI think its, and correct me, someone, if I'm wrong, "We Fly High" by Jim Jones (?)
To stay with something popular now and what the team would relate to, I'd go with Kanye West - Stronger or The Plain White T's - Our Time Now. "Our Time Now" has a great "Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh" the crowd (specifically the student section) could really get into. Especially if someone maybe remixed in some classic BU radio highlights over the verses. They're also from Chicago. Here's the song if you haven't heard it...http://www.plainwhitets.com/ourtimenow/
Originally posted by TRIMAN View PostThose dang kids and their rap music! Make sure all the old white people dictate what goes on while they play. That was the NY Giants song a couple years ago too. Not my fav song, but worry about something else please.
Tri...it has NOTHING to do with the fact its rap and no one is worried about anything. Its a simple expression of taste. Have you HEARD this jumbled mess of noise? I don't care if its country, opera, Jazz or disco.....I, and many others at the game, simply want something that flows and doesn't sound like fingernails on a chalkboard.
Listen to that noise they have now and tell me its NOT the most embarassing intro you have ever heard.
Originally posted by jasonpeoria911 View PostPerhaps one of the players picked the "Fly High" song? It's not a horrible song but there are better ones out there.
Jason it may not be a horrible song by itself while sitting at home or listening in the car but it doesn't "fit" the clips/pictures they try and blend it with and it come across the speakers as a jumbled, loud mess.
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