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I love that the students are trying to get people into the game, but last night went too far.
Late in the close game, Sam Singh was shooting 1 and 1 FTs. Just as he received the ball from the ref, one rowdy Bradley student started running parallel with the baseline behind the basket from Singh's left to his right. Following the rowdy Bradley student were 7 little kids also running and asking for the fans to start the wave. They were running behind the basket just as Singh was shooting. Some fans in the lower bowl behind the basket actually threw their arms up with the student and his 7-child tail. Other than a cardboard cutout of Flava Flav, I cannot think of anything more distracting for a FT shooter. And IT WAS OUR TEAM AT THE LINE SHOOTING CRUCIAL FTs!!!!
Singh missed the front end of his 1 and 1.
Also, THE WAVE IS FOR PEOPLE WHO ARE BORED OR IF THE GAME IS BORING (a blowout). This was certainly not a boring part of the game. Try starting a wave at Wrigley Field - you will quickly be put in your place.
Again, I like it that one student tried to get fans into the game, but I really would have loved to see security put an end to it last night. We don't need 7 little kids running around the perimeter of the court, we don't need 8 people running in front of Sam Singh as he's trying to make important FTs, and we certainly NEVER need the wave anyway.
If the wave is for boring games or blowouts, it sounds like Wrigley Field would be the Wave HQ!
The wave represents fairweather fans who aren't all that interested in the game from San Diego. I'll take the stance of Cricket Australia:
Cricket Australia has banned the wave from all international grounds due to objects being, either unintentionally or deliberately, thrown into the air at the same time. These include plastic cups containing beer, hot food items, or even urine, which affects the other spectators around the person who threw it. Anyone who attempts to start a wave will be ejected from the ground.[8][9] The banning of the Mexican Wave has been met with a mostly negative response from Australia's sports-going public, especially in Melbourne as the result of the much higher popularity of the wave at the MCG. This charge has been led by Matthew Newton, 22, of Springvale, who was one of the first to suffer eviction while promoting his "Save the Mexican Wave" campaign. While gaining large amounts of attention within the Australian media, it did not affect the position of Cricket Australia."
I ask everyone: How could the wave at any sporting event possibly result in the throwing, I repeat, the throwing of URINE into the air?
It would be nice if everybody could stay away from such sweeping generalizations. Just because some elderly person was a jerk about requesting you to sit down doesn't make all of BU's old timers grumpy crumgrudgens, hellbent on ruining the exciting college basketball experience of the younger, more energetic fans. A lot of these old timers are not only usually very knowledgeable about BU's history, but many of them have supported Bradley for years with their hard-earned. Now, for those who are only a the game to "be seen" I have a different opinion. Ill keep that one to myself.
Likewise, if a student wants to try to get the whole crowd involved, why berate him? I agree, the timing wasn't great, but regardless of your feelings on the wave, at least he's willing to disregard such criticism to do what he's excited about: whipping the crowd up into a frenzy.
Being in my late 20's, I fall into the younger category. And I haven't been asked yet this season to sit down by anybody behind me. However, I am respectful to them and try to remain seated most of the time.
I dunno. It seems like an awful lot of snippy responses from a bunch of fellow Bradley fans over petty and subjective crap. C'mon gentlemen. to each his own.
I'm not a blue-hair (yet) not sure what age blue hairs are...actually I've seen more 20 year olds with blue,orange,green hair than older people..
Good post....I was never for standing the whole game..I stand when things start to heat up..or if people try to get things going...and I've never told anyone to sit down...although there is only a couple of rows in front of me...so I go with the flow...if everyone starts to get up..I get up...if they stay seated I sit...not that big of deal IMO....you can be respectful no matter the situation
The wave at a BRADLEY basketball game is downright saddening.
The wave at a Bradley game that is CLOSE AND LATE is comptelely inexcusable.
Ok - the wave may be lame to the hardcore fans. But folks, it isn't the hardcore fans that are hard to get to come through the door.
The wave is simple crowd interaction that is fun for the casual fan, for little kids, wives (well my wife loves it), and when started by the students/cheerleaders/band/whoever it really gives them a sense of being part of the game.
Who cares what we look like on TV? Who cares if its out-dated? If its fun for the majority of our fans and future fans then I say keep it up. (I'm presently doing the wave at my desk).
Ok to wave if you're in bellbottems, a polyester liesure suit, and have long stringy hair, hair long beautiful hair. and live within 25 minutes of the ocean. Otherwise give it up.
If "The Wave" was ever NOT super duper lame it was back when it was new, original, and slightly novel which had to been like 30 years ago.
I would never, ever, stand up and do the wave at a Bradley game. I'd have to be paid like $30 to do it (we all have a price). Seriously, I think its incredibly stupid. I do not see any connection between doing the wave and supporting the team. In fact if anything a wave at a sporting event distracts attention away from the game. Just my humble opinion on the issue.
I wish we could merge some threads here...seems like there is always a thread about the blue hairs (no offense Chico - I love ya) telling people to sit down, another thread requesting folks stand up and cheer - and now we've got one telling people to stop doing the wave.
I do not see any connection between doing the wave and supporting the team.
C'mon now it doesn't take a genius to realize that the wave fosters basic crowd interaction. Perhaps if you weren't already into the game that gets you pumped up. I've never heard of fans doing the wave and not getting into the game.
Fact of the matter is you can SUPPORT the team in a lot of different ways. Some people donate to the university, some people yell and scream at the refs, some people choose to yell with the band and cheerleaders, and some do the wave.
We need another win so we can stop harping on all this poppycock.
I wish we could merge some threads here...seems like there is always a thread about the blue hairs (no offense Chico - I love ya) telling people to sit down, another thread requesting folks stand up and cheer - and now we've got one telling people to stop doing the wave.
Can't have it both ways fellas...
C'mon now it doesn't take a genius to realize that the wave fosters basic crowd interaction. Perhaps if you weren't already into the game that gets you pumped up. I've never heard of fans doing the wave and not getting into the game.
Fact of the matter is you can SUPPORT the team in a lot of different ways. Some people donate to the university, some people yell and scream at the refs, some people choose to yell with the band and cheerleaders, and some do the wave.
We need another win so we can stop harping on all this poppycock.
I absolutely disagree. It does foster crowd interaction....but with and within the crowd itself and really has zero to do with anything on the court. Instead of watching the game the fans are watching the other fans do the wave around the stadium until its their turn again.
Support your team by watching the game and cheering when appropriate. Doing the wave sends the opposite message. It says that whats going on ON the court is less important than the spectacle that's going on in the stands.
I still think the Wave is lame but I could care less if it goes on if we're up 30 or down 30. But otherwise, IMO, its about certain fans wanting THEMSELVES, not the athletes, to be the center of attention.
C'mon now it doesn't take a genius to realize that the wave fosters basic crowd interaction. Perhaps if you weren't already into the game that gets you pumped up. I've never heard of fans doing the wave and not getting into the game.
1. The wave is the exact opposite of "fostering" interaction. All people do is stare, stare, stare, STAND (possibly making some "ooh" or "woo" sound), and then continue to watch it go around. Then once it fizzles out, people aren't jumping up and down saying Let's go *insert team.* Playing the fight song of a school or the "Na, nanana,HEY!" ... That gets people pumped up.
2. If you aren't already into a game, well either shame on you or if you're just there to be seen/don't care that much about basketball/whatever ... then the wave certainly isn't going to change the way those people act at the games.
3. I've never heard of fans doing the wave AND getting into the game.
I do completely agree with you in the fact that this kind of stuff would garner a lot less discussion if we weren't having as an awfully disappointing season as we've had so far.
But, I do find this thread more interesting than the 23 give Rashad Austin more playing time threads or the Larry Eustachy "updates" threads.
Edit: Nice post VroFan, was writing my rebuttal as you must have been writing yours!
Lefty, I agree. Don't mind standing at the beginning but once the game gets going I stand when I get excited over what's going on on the court. Otherwise I can sit and cheer with the best of them. Of course I'm first row upper deck, so there's no one directly in front of me. As for bluehairs, someone called the oldtimers, like me, bluehairs a long time ago on this board, so I just have fun with it. LG281, I don't bring the word up until someone gets on the older crowd for not doing enough at the games. Why not everybody do their own thing, enjoy themselves and cheer the Braves on. GO BRAVES.
I ask everyone: How could the wave at any sporting event possibly result in the throwing, I repeat, the throwing of URINE into the air?
I guess they do things a little different in the land down under.
Bradley 72 - Illini 68 Final
???It??™s awful hard,??™??™ said Illini freshman guard D.J. Richardson, the former Central High School guard who played prep school ball a few miles from here and fought back tears outside the locker room. ???It??™s a hometown thing. It??™s bragging rights.??™
Lefty, I agree. Don't mind standing at the beginning but once the game gets going I stand when I get excited over what's going on on the court. Otherwise I can sit and cheer with the best of them. Of course I'm first row upper deck, so there's no one directly in front of me. As for bluehairs, someone called the oldtimers, like me, bluehairs a long time ago on this board, so I just have fun with it. LG281, I don't bring the word up until someone gets on the older crowd for not doing enough at the games. Why not everybody do their own thing, enjoy themselves and cheer the Braves on. GO BRAVES.
Therein lies the problem. I was doing my own thing, enjoying the atmosphere, and I was chastised for standing.