Ok, apparently I was never done on the post-game thread
Ok, maybe if we had Ruffin, things would break differently for some games, and we'd have a decent record (maybe not at-large NCAA or NIT qualifying), but a decent record none-the-less. But what is worrying me at this point is next season.
Ruffin, Crouch, and Salley are gone. We have a coach who apparently loves a three and four guard system (we even had Ruffin, Franklin, and Bennet on the floor at the same time at times pre-'06-07), so what happens next year? Even if we go big, will they develop? Will Thompson actually be able to succeed at a under 200 lbs. 6'11" post-player? Any thoughts?

Ruffin, Crouch, and Salley are gone. We have a coach who apparently loves a three and four guard system (we even had Ruffin, Franklin, and Bennet on the floor at the same time at times pre-'06-07), so what happens next year? Even if we go big, will they develop? Will Thompson actually be able to succeed at a under 200 lbs. 6'11" post-player? Any thoughts?