Well, winning basketball games appears to not be working lately. Let's at least try to be stand-up individuals who don't tell bold-faced lies publicly.
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Wessler 12/30
Originally posted by tornado View PostWow...this entire discussion from Wessler's take on down, is filled with lack of knowledge..
Ruffin went to see the New Jersey specialist, and the decision to do surgery was NOT even made until Friday.
Even Wessler admits to that fact...
and even the doctor doing the procedure might well NOT have known the extent of the recovery time until the procedure was finished, because he didn't know what he'd be doing until he got into the abdomen to see exactly what needed to be done.
So how could Coach Les have known early on Friday, when Daniel Ruffin and his family were not told the results and the outcome of the procedure until later on Friday.
Oh, and one more more personal thought...I will not be surprised if DRuff IS back before then, he is a tough cookie.
Third from the last paragraph on this link:
Originally posted by BradleyBrave View PostIf BU had won yesterday, would this even be discussed? I think some people who have had personal vendettas for the last 6 years are looking for any reason to take shots at the coach. I feel sorry for those people if that's the case.
I guess the biggest thing to take away from this thread is that a lot of people here think it's OK to lie publicly.
I think that this thread shows how naive some people are. If some of the posters on this thread knew what really went on with athletic departments around the country, they would appreciate what we have here!Bradley 72 - Illini 68 Final
???It??™s awful hard,??™??™ said Illini freshman guard D.J. Richardson, the former Central High School guard who played prep school ball a few miles from here and fought back tears outside the locker room. ???It??™s a hometown thing. It??™s bragging rights.??™
So if JL told KW to keep DR's injury out of the paper, which btw that is what JL wanted, do you think KW would have complied? JL had no other choice! Anyway people, calm down this is only a sport not life or death."Educate and inform the whole mass of the people...they are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty."
??” Thomas Jefferson
Originally posted by SanFranciscoPete View PostSo if JL told KW to keep DR's injury out of the paper, which btw that is what JL wanted, do you think KW would have complied? JL had no other choice! Anyway people, calm down this is only a sport not life or death.
OMG--this is the craziest thread yet.....
This isn't a moral question--this is coaching strategy. Why should Les have told the press any truth and give the compettion more of an advantage.
Lie Lie Lie---so what. We all knew what the deal was -- or do you think Les should have called the coaching staff at UNI and gave them the heads up?
Originally posted by InMnBob1 View PostOMG--this is the craziest thread yet.....
This isn't a moral question--this is coaching strategy. Why should Les have told the press any truth and give the compettion more of an advantage.
Lie Lie Lie---so what. We all knew what the deal was -- or do you think Les should have called the coaching staff at UNI and gave them the heads up?
CRAZYBradley 72 - Illini 68 Final
???It??™s awful hard,??™??™ said Illini freshman guard D.J. Richardson, the former Central High School guard who played prep school ball a few miles from here and fought back tears outside the locker room. ???It??™s a hometown thing. It??™s bragging rights.??™
This topic is completely insane. Why does anyone care that JL said he would not rule out Ruffin... maybe he really believed that, but even if he didnt why is it now a moral issue? So what he didnt tell the local paper about Ruffin or that he didnt announce that Ruffin was not going to play. Maybe just maybe no one had told him directly that Ruffin wasnt going to play.
But more then likely he didnt feel the need to let UNI know anymore then they needed to know.
Just because we all invest our time money and heart into our program, it does not give any of us the right to know every single thing that happens with Bradleys program. And you know what if he wants to lie and it allows us to have any sort of advantage then that is great.
The PC's are mad big deal.
Originally posted by InMnBob1 View PostLie Lie Lie---so what. We all knew what the deal was -- or do you think Les should have called the coaching staff at UNI and gave them the heads up?
Also, SFPete, I realize this is a sport and not life or death. But it's also not the CIA, which is what JL made it seem like by not being up front about the injury.
Originally posted by InMnBob1 View PostOMG--this is the craziest thread yet.....
This isn't a moral question--this is coaching strategy. Why should Les have told the press any truth and give the compettion more of an advantage.
Lie Lie Lie---so what. We all knew what the deal was -- or do you think Les should have called the coaching staff at UNI and gave them the heads up?
No bull!You said it Bob and Ben. You can really tell who the "journalists" are in this thread
At what point does the "anything to win" theory cross the line?
I mean, why not put small audio recording devices in the visitors locker room? If no one knows, what's the difference, right?
And seriously, let's stop pretending like 24 hours notice is enough time to really implement some other offensive scheme. You people act like saying Ruffin isn't going to play gives away our play book.
Originally posted by longtimelistener View PostThat's a great example to set for a group of college students.Basketball doesn't build character it reveals it.
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