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Bob Knight Gets Reprimanded

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  • #31
    Originally posted by amckillip View Post
    Sorry dude, I'll give ya Bobby was clean on the recruiting front, but the guys despicable. He choked a college student for christ sake! And look at his graduation rate towards the end of his run at IU, and his at TT. Once he couldn't get good, smart, talent he went the way of tons of other coaches and got whatever he could get. He has some good qualities, but he himself isn't all that great. And before you go of criticizing me for my comments, I've met the man, I know people who have been recruited by him (albeit at arm's length) and grew up in IU country. The only thing Bobby Knight's done that I respect is be a mentor to Mike Kryzyzewksi, who, while I HATE Duke, is probably the greatest basketball coach in history.
    Im not saying he is a nice guy, in fact he may very well be an a$$hole but the his record does speak for it self and he didnt cheat to get it. He had 1 NBA allstar his entire career, his career graduation rate as a whole is tremendous, he taught a class at IU which almost no coach does and he gave alot of money to charity. Yes he choked a kid which is deploreable and but he had a very postive effect on hudrends of others and most of his former players say that publicly. I think Coach K is a great coach also but if you talk to people who know the program and know Duke (my brother being someone who does) they will tell you coach K is one of the biggest jerks ever just not as much during games.
    Can we start winning soon?


    • #32
      Originally posted by tornado View Post
      What veteran coach did you have in mind?
      There were none who applied!
      And if DG was so talented, need I remind you of the W-L record BU had with DG (under both Mo and JL)
      In fact, the W-L wasn't all that hot at New Mexico, they made the post season once and got humiliated.
      DG has developed into a decent NBA talent, but you'll have a hard time convincing me anyone would have or could have won at BU either in the interval JL had either with or without him.
      I didn't want Jim Molinari to be fired, and felt he could have done well had he been given the chance, but once the call was made to fire Mo and hire JL, there's zero chance for JL to win since DG was not committed to this program.
      Recall, he demonstrated his desire to leave BU and stated he actually wanted to leave even before Jim Les was hired, so how can you say some other coach would have done better?

      You win, in all the coaching world thier was no one who could have done anything differently or anything better. The reason no veteran coach applied is because the board went cheap very cheap and that is why I blame them. But hey even if they got Dean Smith out of retirement he would have had the same results maybe worse, I mean experience and pratices at your craft mean nothing when it comes to coaching only every other job in the world.
      Can we start winning soon?


      • #33
        LB-- if you would want to fire a guy when he does take over a program that's well under .500, and in a couple years turn it around so that it's now well over .500 a couple years in a row...
        but just because he is still struggling to get to the top echelon and can't get to the same degree of success right away as the top teams in the are still dissatisfied, the guy is inexperienced, too young?.... and want to get rid of him??

        then.........I guess you just fired Jim DeRose...because he took over a woeful BU program in 1996 and although he began recruiting better players right away, he still was 2nd fiddle to Creighton and other teams in the Valley for his first several years, never winning a post-season game and never getting by Creighton.

        I am sure glad the few who were dissatisfied after DeRose's first 3-4 years didn't win over the majority of fans who DID see the improvement over the past and who were willing to wait a few more seasons to see the ultimate results of all the hard work.
        I hope they see the same in Jim Les.

        and Beninator:
        Originally posted by Beninator View Post
        Fair enough statement mob.. I havent met Bobby nor do I want to meet him. And I am sure RMK will get along just fine without meeting me!
        I have seen enough interviews etc to form the opinion that Knight and Mays have the same demeanor and I wouldnt bother walk across the street to meet either person.
        The comparison to Mays was because both are still hanging in there despite the age and being well past their prime. Nothing to do with the two people's personalities.


        • #34
          [QUOTE=tornado;54712]LB-- if you would want to fire a guy when he does take over a program that's well under .500, and in a couple years turn it around so that it's now well over .500 a couple years in a row...
          but just because he is still struggling to get to the top echelon and can't get to the same degree of success right away as the top teams in the are still dissatisfied, the guy is inexperienced, too young?.... and want to get rid of him??

          then.........I guess you just fired Jim DeRose...because he took over a woeful BU program in 1996 and although he began recruiting better players right away, he still was 2nd fiddle to Creighton and other teams in the Valley for his first several years, never winning a post-season game and never getting by Creighton.

          I am sure glad the few who were dissatisfied after DeRose's first 3-4 years didn't win over the majority of fans who DID see the improvement over the past and who were willing to wait a few more seasons to see the ultimate results of all the hard work.
          I hope they see the same in Jim Les.

          Fisrt off find a post where I said "fire the coach" or get rid or anything to that affect. Ill save you time that post doesnt exist. I never even implied fire the coach. We are talking about his intial hiring and the failures of the adminstraion not about his current team or record. I think you know that but really have no room left to disagree with me. How can you defend an argument that says " NOBODY" could have done a better job.

          As for Coach Derose the comparisons are absurd, the soccer team has ZERO tradition, no fans, and a horrible facility. The soccer team never had a Hersey Hawkins or a Chet the Jet. There were really no expectations for the soccer team in the early years, I know I was at school then. I even went to a few games. The team was so bad that thier seniors tied my fraternity in a game of indoor soccer. Just getting the team over 500 was amazing and at the time people were happy with that. Im really not sure why you would bring up probably the best coach in Bradley history for comparison. His team went from last to top three with a four year all american pretty quickly.
          Can we start winning soon?


          • #35
            I chose to compare Jim DeRose and Jim Les as both were young and inexperienced and neither had immediate success, although both had early evidence things would be improving. I guess I kinda have the right to compare who I want just as you can find whatever absurd if you want.

            Had some had their way in 2002, of course JL wouldn't be head coach, though I don't recall you were among them.
            Had others had their way in 2003, 2004, and even as late as Feb. of 2006, we'd have been starting over just like the folks at Evansville and Wichita State.
            In fact I still recall quite well a thread from Jan. '06 discussing who BU should hire next as JL had to go!

            I am still quite optimistic as I was in that Feb 8, 2006 thread that asked what slim optimism was there. Although that thread is now gone, I was in the minority at that point who said I believed BU could win most of their remaining games and still get a bid. I am not yet ready to yield on my optimism among the present flurry of pessimism.

            We are 7-5, have an RPI that's the 3rd best of any of the past 10 seasons, and we have a SOS that only ONE year in the past 10 exceeds.
            Yet, we have a few people who are bashing coaches and players -- Sam Singh, David Collins, Ty Cole-Scott, and even Daniel Ruffin and some of the other starters!
            I am all for healthy criticism, but you haven't seen some of the really negative posts that have been deleted because they clearly cross the line.
            I prefer to remain positive based on past experience.


            • #36

              History repeats itself...


              • #37
                Seeing how there was a current thread on Bob Knight, I thought I would post this clip here even though it is not about the General's current gaffe ??¦ but it is another example of how Bob Knight??™s personality and coaching approach influenced and molded his players as they went from teenagers to young men.

                This clip started getting play in Dallas a few months ago when Isiah Thomas was in the news regarding the sexual harassment lawsuit filed by a female in the Knick's office. If you play the clip, be sure to watch Knight in the background as Isiah is giving his speech. This clip says a lot about Knight and his coaching style with his players while at Indiana.

                LANGUAGE WARNING (Isiah does not hold back in telling the audience what he learned from Coach Knight while at IU). Do not play if foul language offends you.


                • #38
                  That is an amazing piece of video. I wonder how that survived all these years (it's from 1982) and surfaced now. I had never seen it before. Apparently it was first posted publically just a few days ago here...note the responses--

                  I'm amazed at how Isaiah throws those highly offensive terms around without hesitation. The audience, at first, just laughs, but as he continues with the offensive C-word repeatedly, the audience gets quieter and the laughing stops, and it's clear they are not comfortable and don't know how to react. Even Knight looks a little shocked with what Thomas is saying and Isaiah senses that he wants him to stop.
                  Instead of complimenting and honoring his mentor, it comes off sounding like a huge insult to Knight.


                  • #39
                    Looks like another myth has been exposed....that Bob Knight is a great teacher.....
                    I guess factual stuff like this and the graduation data & facts (see below) really is not very welcome by the Bob Knight worshippers!!!
                    There's only one place Isaih would have heard that word, and he tells you right up front, that it was a pet phrase
                    that Bob Knight used to insult or motivate the IU recruits who were not playing very hard.
                    What he obviously was doing was using a derogatory word implying that the recruits were playing like girls,
                    but the way he does it is something that just simply wouldn't be allowed in any other arena,
                    so I am curious how Knight has gotten away with this kind of sexist insult when others have been impaled for far, far less.
                    Frankly, if that's the kind of language and behavior used by Knight, then whatever esteem I ever had has sunk even lower.
                    I guess if you want to judge the guy only on the ability to win games, then at least be up front and admit that
                    but how come guys like Barry Bonds, Jimmy the Greek, OJ Simpson, and many others don't get the same pass on that stuff?
                    PLUS-- I think we have already sufficiently blasted out of the water the age-old myth that Bob Knight always "graduates his players".

                    The NCAA's own data shows his own graduation rate at IU (1996-00)-78% was really no better than the national average!! (77%)

                    More Bob Knight fun....
                    Bob does a Marines commercial, wouldn't it have been funny to see this on TV?

                    Bob Knight uses the phrase "if rape is inevitable, lay back and enjoy it"
                    (see timeline, 1988 )

                    (and under "Controversies")

                    Knight explains why he likes the "F" word


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by tornado View Post
                      Looks like another myth has been exposed....that Bob Knight is a great teacher.....
                      I guess factual stuff like this and the graduation data & facts (see below) really is not very welcome by the Bob Knight worshippers!!!
                      There's only one place Isaih would have heard that word, and he tells you right up front, that it was a pet phrase
                      that Bob Knight used to insult or motivate the IU recruits who were not playing very hard.
                      What he obviously was doing was using a derogatory word implying that the recruits were playing like girls,
                      but the way he does it is something that just simply wouldn't be allowed in any other arena,
                      so I am curious how Knight has gotten away with this kind of sexist insult when others have been impaled for far, far less.
                      Frankly, if that's the kind of language and behavior used by Knight, then whatever esteem I ever had has sunk even lower.
                      I guess if you want to judge the guy only on the ability to win games, then at least be up front and admit that
                      but how come guys like Barry Bonds, Jimmy the Greek, OJ Simpson, and many others don't get the same pass on that stuff?
                      PLUS-- I think we have already sufficiently blasted out of the water the age-old myth that Bob Knight always "graduates his players".

                      The NCAA's own data shows his own graduation rate at IU (1996-00)-78% was really no better than the national average!! (77%)

                      More Bob Knight fun....
                      Bob does a Marines commercial, wouldn't it have been funny to see this on TV?

                      Bob Knight uses the phrase "if rape is inevitable, lay back and enjoy it"
                      (see timeline, 1988 )

                      (and under "Controversies")

                      Knight explains why he likes the "F" word
                      Ive already made my points so I wont give a long response but I do like how you only posted his graduation rated from 1996 to 2000 as if that is the extent of his career and I really have to laugh when you say "Only one place Isaih could have heard that word" he grew up on the west side of Chicago HAHAHA ever been there? I know you probably went to the UIC game but that doesnt count. If you have than you would know he may have heard "that word" and many more like it.
                      Can we start winning soon?


                      • #41
                        LB...view the video...
                        Isiah tell you that he learned the word "sunt' from Bob Knight who used it to motivate the players and tell them they were soft or lazy.
                        If you want to speculate that he heard it somewhere else, then feel free, but Isiah said it was the word "c" then "unt" but with a soft-c that sounded like "s", just listen to the came from Bob Knight and was used frequently, and Isiah chose to tell about it right in front of RMK, so I am sure he's not lying.

                        And I used the grad data that was and still is available.....whattya want me to make stuff up?
                        It is a broad, 4-5 year span with lots of recruits, and it is the exact same interval that showed Gary Williams had a ZERO grad rate, and Gary never tried to deny or spin the fact....he admits it is accurate!

                        Gee....most people just blubber garbage and lies, but I give you hard data and facts, and even cite the actual videos as proof.
                        This stuff speaks for itself, there isn't much left that can be denied!
                        ...and you still wanna make stuff up and believe something else?


                        • #42
                          What did i make up and what are you trying to prove? That is really the question; what is the point of a post on Bradleyfans website about Bobby Knight? I notice that after we lose you tend to have more posts about ISU drinking tickets, coaches in trouble and other Non Bradley related stuff. Why arent these posts in the general section? The Scott Skiles thread was moved was that not about basketball? This is the only board of its kind that has as many or more threads about topics not related to its school/recruits/conference than it has about those things and almos all of them are started by you. So what are you trying to prove by starting this thread? What do you have against Bobby Knight? What did he do to BU? To steal popular phrase on this board "did he steal your girlfriend"?
                          Can we start winning soon?


                          • #43
                            Oh and if you think that Bobby Knight is the only coach to use the word c unt you havent been to many highschool practies let alone college. Coaches call there players "girls" and pu ssies and all kinds of other sexist, vulgar language at the highschool level let alone college. You are really grasping at straws to say the guy "wasnt a good teacher" because he cursed at practice.
                            Can we start winning soon?


                            • #44
                              I have heard Jim Les swear to his team before. I didn't think any less of him.
                              Onward and Upward!


                              • #45
                                Was it the "F" word? What if none of the players had heard that type of language before? Can you imagine the impact that Coach Les may have had on his freshman players if he used the "F" word during practice!
                                Can we start winning soon?


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