The Para-dice Bradley promotion with 6 people rolling dice to spell Bradley is really bogus. For those not at the game, 6 people each have one die with one letter of the name Bradley and the other 5 sides blank. All 6 people roll the dice at the same time to try to spell Bradley. If they do, everyone wins $10,000. Well, I just calculated the odds of winning:
2.143 per 100,000 or 1 in 46,663.56
At an average of 15 home games per year there will be one winner every 3,119.9 years. Thanks so much for your generosity! I hope they are paying dearly for the advertisement!
2.143 per 100,000 or 1 in 46,663.56
At an average of 15 home games per year there will be one winner every 3,119.9 years. Thanks so much for your generosity! I hope they are paying dearly for the advertisement!