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SLU's 1st game.......

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  • SLU's 1st game.......

  • #2
    It sounds like Majerus is thinking he's going to lose a bunch this year. His quotes in that article are all negative, despite winning the game--

    "You can see our size, athleticism, lack of depth, lack of practice, we've got a lot of problems"

    "But for one game tonight, we couldn't have played much harder. We could have played much smarter."

    "I don't know what standard to hold them to on the 20th day we're convened together as a team. I struggle with what to do when they get down on themselves a bit."

    An appropriate advertising slogan for this season might well be "Billiken Basketball: It's a Process!"

    Comments about Tommy Liddel, his best player--
    He's getting better defensively,'' Majerus said. "He took bad shots, a couple of selfish shots. He's not a selfish player. I don't want him to be tentative. Sometimes you have to take steps backward to go forward and that's an issue. ... He's going to have to settle in to what we want. Now what's happened is he's ratcheted up his defense and is cruising on offense. When he doesn't have legs on his shot, he's got to learn to play. It's an ongoing learning process, the pace he needs to play, the pace of my expectations. It's difficult. It's hard."

    "I'm just glad to be out of here with this one,'' Majerus said.


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