NICE try to get your buds on redbird all riled up regarding our/my opinion on your latest I CLEARLY pointed out in the thread I was having fun with bbfan when I stated "BU didn't want him very badly".....regarding the statement that he choose ISU over BU.
Of course why let FACTS or the stories CONTENT ruin a good chance to put BU fans in a bad light. And don't try and say that wasn't your intent because I made it SO obvious in my post with a DETAILED explanantion.
2.5 years ago when BU landed Tony Bennet the story read that he choose BU over a number of schools INCLUDING ISU. That, apparently didn't sit to well with bb fan as he quickly pointed out "ISU didn't want him that badly
As I pointed out...why in earth would Porter be recruiting ANYONE he didn't want badly
I realize not all is well in redbird land but why make up things about BU fans you know have NO merit or basis whatsoever...quite frankly I was surprised you would do that.
Of course why let FACTS or the stories CONTENT ruin a good chance to put BU fans in a bad light. And don't try and say that wasn't your intent because I made it SO obvious in my post with a DETAILED explanantion.
2.5 years ago when BU landed Tony Bennet the story read that he choose BU over a number of schools INCLUDING ISU. That, apparently didn't sit to well with bb fan as he quickly pointed out "ISU didn't want him that badly

As I pointed out...why in earth would Porter be recruiting ANYONE he didn't want badly

I realize not all is well in redbird land but why make up things about BU fans you know have NO merit or basis whatsoever...quite frankly I was surprised you would do that.