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Enforcement of bench rules could result in technicals this season

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  • Enforcement of bench rules could result in technicals this season

    Cursing or venturing onto the court could draw college basketball coaches a quick technical foul this season.

    I'm not against the rule but I do not like the idea that officials will be given anything extra for doing their job. I guarantee there will be at least one game where an official will call a technical due to this rule that will change the out come because he wants preferential treatment. This will also give refs who are on the shady side the ability to hide around a rule.

    "Officials who consistently enforce the rules will be given preferential consideration for conference and NCAA tournament assignments."
    "Educate and inform the whole mass of the people...they are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty."
    ??” Thomas Jefferson

  • #2
    I have no problem with this as long as referees enforce it uniformly and fairly. But I doubt that will happen. Coaches who are known to be loudmouths, cursers, and bullies will be given more leeway than coaches that are usually mild mannered and polite, and don't curse. That, of course, is unfair.

    I'll never forget what one official told Coach Molinari after he gave him a technical for standing still and holding his hands with the palms up and his mouth open questioning a call. He told Mo that since he usually never showed much reaction to calls, the mild reaction Mo showed deserved a technical because it was beyond the behavior he usually shows. Yet, Bobby Knight and numerous other vulgar-mouth, animated coaches get away with way more constantly. Referees too often seem to think they can determine the thoughts and intent of a coaches questions and enforce technicals in a ridiculously unfair manner like they are little demi-gods.


    • #3
      The one item I have trouble with and I quote, "and coming onto the court without permission of an official to attend to an injured player."


      • #4
        Originally posted by Da Coach View Post

        ......Yet, Bobby Knight .....
        Yup...that's exactly who this writer thought of first.........


        • #5
          My top 3 coaches most effected by this rule or should be:

          Mike Krzyzewski - boy does he whine - He always trys to influence the refs T
          Bob Knight - nothing needs to be said - Everything and anything T
          Gary Williams - He never sits down - Out of the box T
          "Educate and inform the whole mass of the people...they are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty."
          ??” Thomas Jefferson


          • #6
            Originally posted by SanFranciscoPete View Post
            My top 3 coaches most effected by this rule or should be:

            Mike Krzyzewski - boy does he whine - He always trys to influence the refs T
            Bob Knight - nothing needs to be said - Everything and anything T
            Gary Williams - He never sits down - Out of the box T
            And what do all three of those coaches have in common? Aside from at least 1 NCAA championship they will all be in the hall of fame. Maybe they are on to something...
            Can we start winning soon?


            • #7
              Lakeview I agree I just said they could be effected by this rule. I may not really like all of them but I do appreciate what they have done. If you ever have a chance to sit behind the MD bench and listen to GW you can learn a lot about the game. I'm sure the same is true with BK and Coach K.
              "Educate and inform the whole mass of the people...they are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty."
              ??” Thomas Jefferson


              • #8
                Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
                (They) too often seem to think they can determine the thoughts and intent of (peoples) questions (comments) and enforce technicals (tickets/arrests) in a ridiculously unfair manner like they are little demi-gods.
                I had to shake myself for a sec DC... I thought you mighta been reflecting on police officers.



                • #9
                  At the ISC smoker tonight, Bruce Weber and Jim Les were asked about this rule. They both cited that every year the NCAA and officials make some rule an emphasis to enforce stictly, and in the first few games they do seem to be more strict about it. But then as the season moves along, they slowly stop enforcing the new emphasis, and soon everything returns to the way it was. The coaches expect this will be the same. If the refs really do want to make an issue of this rule, they could cite every coach several times every game, because there are no coaches that stay inside the coaching area much of the time.

                  I suspect they are right. By midseason, we won't be hearing much about this.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Mike Radigan View Post
                    The one item I have trouble with and I quote, "and coming onto the court without permission of an official to attend to an injured player."
                    Totally agree MR. Better send those refs to training to become certified as EMT's if ANYONE is gonna get a team penalized for rushing to the court over an injured player without the refs approval - cheeze-n-rice.


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