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Ford recall

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  • Ford recall

  • #2
    You got me with the title, b16! Well done!
    Larry Bird
    I've got a theory that if you give 100 percent all of the time, somehow things will work out in the end.


    • #3
      Considering Elijah Child’s case never went anywhere, Ford should be just fine.


      • #4
        According to that article, this incident happened last year in early September (Sept. 8, 2022), and this is the first anyone has reported this? And despite there being only one other person involved, the investigation by the police are still ongoing more than 5 months later. Apparently, the university found "the claims were unsubstantiated based on available evidence". So what is taking the police so long?

        We know how "swiftly" the police and justice system in Springfield, Missouri work. Recall that it took months for the accusations against Elijah Childs to be investigated and eventually dropped without any charges ever made. And there were numerous leaks from the Springfield police, and reported by the same beat writer who posted the above story about what the potential charges could be that were being investigated. Those leaked reports sounded very incriminating against him. But, in the end, the police and prosecutor in Springfield apparently dropped the entire investigation without ever filing any charges!
        For those who don't recall, read this thread-


        • #5
          Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
          According to that article, this incident happened last year in early September (Sept. 8, 2022), and this is the first anyone has reported this? And despite there being only one other person involved, the investigation by the police is still ongoing more than 5 months later. Apparently, the university found "the claims were unsubstantiated based on available evidence". So what is taking the police so long?
          It looks like the accuser contacted the school first, which from the article it sounds like Missouri State didn't do anything. So she contacted the police later.

          In instances like this there really isn't much the police can do. It turns into a he said she said matter as there really isn't any evidence. Unless there were witnesses or video proof there is really no way to prove this or press charges. No one other than those two know if it really happened.


          • #6
            Originally posted by BUfan17 View Post

            It looks like the accuser contacted the school first, which from the article it sounds like Missouri State didn't do anything. So she contacted the police later.

            In instances like this there really isn't much the police can do. It turns into a he said she said matter as there really isn't any evidence. Unless there were witnesses or video proof there is really no way to prove this or press charges. No one other than those two know if it really happened.
            That's true. Also, weird the victim went to the school first instead of the police. I would think someone victimized this way would report it to the police the same day at least etc.
            Thinking is the hardest work, that is why so few people do it. -Henry Ford

            Yeah...I've been in college for a while now and I'm pretty sure that awesomest is not a word. -Andrew E.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Stryker View Post

              That's true. Also, weird the victim went to the school first instead of the police. I would think someone victimized this way would report it to the police the same day at least etc.
              It said the victim was a recent alum. I could see the reason to have reluctance to immediately call the cops on the men's basketball coach of their school.

              Maybe they hoped it could be handled internally? I'm not sure. But like I said unfortunately unless there is a witness or video there is no way to prove it either way.


              • #8
                My 2 cents- and nobody has to believe it ... but (from a source close to the situation)
                the Elijah Childs incident was a setup. The woman, a Missouri State student who knew Eli from high school, connived her way into the hotel
                and stayed after curfew with the intent of reporting it the next day as an unwitnessed assault, creating a ruckus that would suspend the players
                and give MSU an advantage.
                The three other players in the suite went to bed and thus got little discipline and were never charged nor considered suspects despite
                the way both the Springfield, MO reporter and our local hacks reported it.
                It worked and ruined the Bradley careers of Eli, Terry Nolan & Danya Kingsby. All ended up being cleared but BU President Dr. Standifird
                stepped in, wouldn't allow the basketball staff to even public discuss let alone decide the players' fate and threw Childs under the bus.
                Eli (& the others) was left hanging out to dry with nobody even trying to defend him even though he was innocent and ultimely cleared & entire case dropped.

                Here's the reason this might be relevant given what is now happening to Dana Ford.
                It's speculation but I guess it is possible Ford knew of or even had a part to play in the setup that tanked the latter part of Bradley's 2020-21 season.
                (BU went 1-5 and a quick exit in St. Louis after the incident and loss of their best players)
                If that's the case, then karma could well be a thing.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by yoda View Post
                  My 2 cents- and nobody has to believe it ... but (from a source close to the situation)
                  the Elijah Childs incident was a setup. The woman, a Missouri State student who knew Eli from high school, connived her way into the hotel
                  and stayed after curfew with the intent of reporting it the next day as an unwitnessed assault, creating a ruckus that would suspend the players
                  and give MSU an advantage.
                  The three other players in the suite went to bed and thus got little discipline and were never charged nor considered suspects despite
                  the way both the Springfield, MO reporter and our local hacks reported it.
                  It worked and ruined the Bradley careers of Eli, Terry Nolan & Danya Kingsby. All ended up being cleared but BU President Dr. Standifird
                  stepped in, wouldn't allow the basketball staff to even public discuss let alone decide the players' fate and threw Childs under the bus.
                  Eli (& the others) was left hanging out to dry with nobody even trying to defend him even though he was innocent and ultimely cleared & entire case dropped.

                  Here's the reason this might be relevant given what is now happening to Dana Ford.
                  It's speculation but I guess it is possible Ford knew of or even had a part to play in the setup that tanked the latter part of Bradley's 2020-21 season.
                  (BU went 1-5 and a quick exit in St. Louis after the incident and loss of their best players)
                  If that's the case, then karma could well be a thing.
                  I think it was a setup also. I hope that girl can live with herself. If I was Elijah I would not forget that especially if she lives in your neighborhood


                  • #10
                    I have doubts about the validity of this report. This College Basketball Coach Rumors twitter account was created less than a year ago, and has only 35 followers.
                    It reports that Dana Ford is expected to be fired after the conclusion of the investigation into his groping accusation.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by yoda View Post
                      My 2 cents- and nobody has to believe it ... but (from a source close to the situation)
                      the Elijah Childs incident was a setup. The woman, a Missouri State student who knew Eli from high school, connived her way into the hotel
                      and stayed after curfew with the intent of reporting it the next day as an unwitnessed assault, creating a ruckus that would suspend the players
                      and give MSU an advantage.
                      The three other players in the suite went to bed and thus got little discipline and were never charged nor considered suspects despite
                      the way both the Springfield, MO reporter and our local hacks reported it.
                      It worked and ruined the Bradley careers of Eli, Terry Nolan & Danya Kingsby. All ended up being cleared but BU President Dr. Standifird
                      stepped in, wouldn't allow the basketball staff to even public discuss let alone decide the players' fate and threw Childs under the bus.
                      Eli (& the others) was left hanging out to dry with nobody even trying to defend him even though he was innocent and ultimely cleared & entire case dropped.

                      Here's the reason this might be relevant given what is now happening to Dana Ford.
                      It's speculation but I guess it is possible Ford knew of or even had a part to play in the setup that tanked the latter part of Bradley's 2020-21 season.
                      (BU went 1-5 and a quick exit in St. Louis after the incident and loss of their best players)
                      If that's the case, then karma could well be a thing.
                      Nice post, Yoda and I'm really glad to read this. Too often nowadays people rush to judgment to condemn based on just one person's word against another. In the Bible it says, A single witness shall not suffice against a person for any crime or for any wrong in connection with any offense that he has committed. Only on the evidence of two witnesses or of three witnesses shall a charge be established".

                      Call me crazy, but in this day of victimhood, I think it's more important than ever that we practice patience and grace up until the time that there is ample evidence against someone. This has become a far too common theme today and it's not fair to the accused when they are automatically assumed guilty.
                      Last edited by Tommy; 02-14-2023, 11:40 AM.
                      Larry Bird
                      I've got a theory that if you give 100 percent all of the time, somehow things will work out in the end.


                      • #12
                        The article by the Missouri State beat writer, cited in the first post, was updated with additional information-

                        It has more information and corroboration (text messages and cell phone location data) from the young woman involved, what her role was at the golf event (she was a "cart girl" serving drinks to the participants at the charity golf outing), and why she went to the Polk County Sheriff (from her perspective the University's Title IX office "did not appear to result in significant action").
                        And the updated article addresses the question I had in post #4 about why the police investigation has taken nearly 5 months without any apparent findings or action.-
                        "The woman said she was recently told by the sheriff's office that the investigation has taken so long because law enforcement was struggling to get in touch with the person who was in the cart with her and Ford."

                        So, the police know the identity of this one potential witness, on whom the entire investigation hinges, yet 5 months after the fact, they still can't find the guy or "get in touch" with him? This seems completely implausible to me. Does anyone believe this?

                        There is a rumor on the MSU fan message board that the witness does not want to get involved or talk to police, and that doesn't sound good for Dana Ford.
                        Ford is nearing the end of his 5th season as head coach at Missouri State and his contract runs through the 2024-25 season.
                        His salary for the 2022-23 season is $455,903, and he still has 2 more years left on the contract. The article also contains comments from Dana Ford denying the allegations.

                        Add: one other rumor is that many fans are disappointed in the team's performance and in Dana Ford, and would support a change in coaches. Former head coach Cuonzo Martin, who had success at Missouri State from 2008-2011 (61-41 in 3 seasons, 15-3 and regular season title in 2011) is currently unemployed, having been fired by Missouri a year ago.


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