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Update on Elijah Childs

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  • Update on Elijah Childs

    After a couple months, the Springfield, MO police have finally completed their investigation and it is now up to the prosecutor's office to review the case and decide if there is enough evidence to charge Childs.

    Let's hope the prosecutor doesn't take another several months to make up his mind.

  • #2
    A person commits the crime of sodomy in the second degree if: Such person has deviate sexual intercourse with another person knowing that he or she does so without that person’s consent.

    Sodomy in the second degree is a class D felony for which the maximum imprisonment is 7 years and the maximum fine is $10,000.
    Larry Bird
    I've got a theory that if you give 100 percent all of the time, somehow things will work out in the end.


    • #3
      To clarify, there have been no charges, nor has any evidence been made public, despite more than 2 ½ months.


      • #4
        This story just makes me sick to my stomach......innocent or guilty this is not how a team leader acts the night before a game with females in his room @ any time of the night let alone midnight to 2 am. I am Disappointed either way.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Big Mike View Post
          This story just makes me sick to my stomach......innocent or guilty this is not how a team leader acts the night before a game with females in his room @ any time of the night let alone midnight to 2 am. I am Disappointed either way.
          What a deplorable ending to an otherwise very successful basketball career. I agree, he should have never even been in this situation in the first place.


          • #6
            Are you saying that you know these allegations are true?


            • #7
              If your talking to me.....NO. My point is he should not have allowed himself to be put in this situation....this isn't a freshman on his 1st road trip in a hotel....this is a Sr who has stayed in hotels for 4 years and knows the program and team rules on the night before a game.


              • #8
                I agree that he made a bad decision, and he has paid a lot for it, losing out on the last 6 games of the season, and being subjected to scorn and ridicule.
                But if we learned anything from the Daniel Ruffin incident, it is that we should not automatically accept what the police report says.
                We were told Ruffin viciously beat his ex-girlfriend, kicked and choked her and there were "ligature marks" on her neck to prove it. I was personally told by a Peoria Police officer that "he really did a number on the girl" and "she was beat up pretty bad". We eventually found out none of that was true, and that she was just angry because he was breaking off the relationship with her, refused to leave his apartment, and bit her own lip when he tried to get her to leave. And that she was coaxed to file a police report because she was mad at him, but then regretted it and wanted to withdraw her complaint, but the police refused to allow her to do so. I think I'll reserve judgement until we know the whole story.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
                  I agree that he made a bad decision, and he has paid a lot for it, losing out on the last 6 games of the season, and being subjected to scorn and ridicule.
                  But if we learned anything from the Daniel Ruffin incident, it is that we should not automatically accept what the police report says.
                  We were told Ruffin viciously beat his ex-girlfriend, kicked and choked her and there were "ligature marks" on her neck to prove it. I was personally told by a Peoria Police officer that "he really did a number on the girl" and "she was beat up pretty bad". We eventually found out none of that was true, and that she was just angry because he was breaking off the relationship with her, refused to leave his apartment, and bit her own lip when he tried to get her to leave. And that she was coaxed to file a police report because she was mad at him, but then regretted it and wanted to withdraw her complaint, but the police refused to allow her to do so. I think I'll reserve judgement until we know the whole story.
                  The differance between Elijah and Dan Ruffin is that those girls were invited up to the room. It was the night before a game. Elijah could have said NO. We cant see you tonight. Dont come up to our room


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by bradleyfan124 View Post

                    The differance between Elijah and Dan Ruffin is that those girls were invited up to the room. It was the night before a game. Elijah could have said NO. We cant see you tonight. Dont come up to our room
                    Yes, I agree 100% with you. Those are serious violations of team rules, and he deserved to be disciplined for them.
                    But the other stuff that the police have leaked to the press seems to be based entirely on the word of the complainant.
                    If true, then I agree it takes this situation to a whole different level. But I'd like to know all sides to the story, and what "evidence" the police are referring to.


                    • #11
                      Elijah is to be considered innocent until guilt is either admitted or established. He hasn’t even been charged with a crime. All we know is he was INVESTIGATED for a certain crime. We have no idea if there was evidence of said crime.

                      If he’s found guilty, then he will bear the responsibility and consequences.

                      In case he’s innocent, I’ll treat him that way at this juncture.
                      Compete. Defend. Rebound. Win.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
                        After a couple months, the Springfield, MO police have finally completed their investigation and it is now up to the prosecutor's office to review the case and decide if there is enough evidence to charge Childs.

                        Let's hope the prosecutor doesn't take another several months to make up his mind.
                        I finally glanced at this article since I was curious what additional information about Childs is out there..

                        Actually it was 1.5 months since the incident February 13th and this report March 31st.
                        Which with my limited experience is pretty fast compared to other legal situations I have witnessed.

                        My assumption is - is that the county District Attorney's office is involved and may be providing the prosecutor - unless the victim has also hired an attorney.

                        Legal matters such as this "take forever" with a court system that is extremely bogged down as well as a prosecutor that is likely also buried in work.

                        I am not going to do this - but if one wants to find out how things are proceeding - one may look at the county court house docket for court cases
                        regarding Childs. If a court case is not located - does not mean a thing - it only means that nothing has been scheduled.

                        My assumption is that a "plea bargain" deal will eventually be reached which will likely not occur for some time.

                        Recall - Kobe Bryant was caught during the beginning of his career. The thing that Kobe was able to do - was "buy his way out". Kobe lost
                        a fortune in endorsements - but through the years that followed Kobe totally cleaned up his act.

                        Elijah does not have such means. I feel sorry for Elijah and especially the victim and both of their families and their set of friends and the
                        entire Bradley team. Elijah has yet to be charged with anything and as of today is not guilty of anything. I will always remember Elijah as
                        an incredible Bradley basketball player who made a HUGE MISTAKE. I think of Joe Paterno who was never charged with any crime but yet
                        Penn State virtually erased Paterno from Penn State football history.

                        In closing - I can only wish Elijah and the victim good luck and hopefully time will provide some level of healing.

                        As for me - time to move on - I am truly looking forward to the next Bradley basketball season and what Coach Wardle has in store. I completely
                        support Coach Wardle and the Bradley program.

                        GO BRAVES !!!!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Go_Braves View Post

                          In closing - I can only wish Elijah and the victim good luck and hopefully time will provide some level of healing.
                          Good post, Go_Braves. One correction, that should read 'alleged victim'.

                          Appreciate the info you provided.
                          Larry Bird
                          I've got a theory that if you give 100 percent all of the time, somehow things will work out in the end.


                          • #14
                            Kind of sad to see how Eli's senior year unfolded. Many of us thought he had pro (even NBA) potential heading into the season.
                            Probably with more NBA potential than any Brave since the mid 2000s.

                            Started out strong - then seemed to just be sputtering a bit right before that dreaded Springfield weekend.

                            I'm sure he'll have a chance to play overseas, but just thinking what might have been.
                            And with all the newcomers and the staff's attitude of moving forward with new blood, appears that Eli will never again sport a Bradley uni.

                            Let's not forget how much Eli contributed to Bradley for most of his career - even last year with injury problems, he was a leader off the court as well as on.


                            • #15
                              It's really quite a sad ending for Childs when you take into account just how far he had come from a rough and difficult background. He became a good student and respected team leader before he destroyed everything in a moment of bad judgement and poor decision making.
                              The True Gentleman is the man whose conduct proceeds from good will and an acute sense of propriety, and whose self-control is equal to all emergencies... - John Walter Wayland


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