Today showed there’s a pretty clear top 8. East, Nolan, McAdoo, Kingsby, Tahvaneinen, Henry, Childs, and Boya will play big roles every game. The part that wasn’t clear is which freshman big will be the ninth guy, since Boya will struggle to avoid foul trouble. Bigs attract whistles, especially active defense first guys like Ari. And he looks really good right now on that end.
Hannah looks very quick and long. He had a couple very promising possessions matched against Childs. But he also played himself out of position as a help defender. Mast looked like the best rebounder of the three. His form on his jumper is great even tho they mostly didn’t go in. His lateral quickness is his biggest weakness at the moment, but he is probably the first option to back up Ari in my opinion. Linke didn’t stand out to me in any way, positive or negative. Sometimes the guy who doesn’t make mistakes is the best option, but he is third of these three right now. There isn’t too much separating these three tho really.
Kent is a really promising prospect. He’s so long, and his shot is so smooth it’s hard to see him not being a contributor in the next couple years. He’s sneaky athletic, but he’s a perimeter guy and we are very deep on the outside. If he were 20-25 pounds heavier and could play some power forward he’d get minutes this year, but as it is he’s probably going to have limited time this year. I like him a lot for next year.
Hannah looks very quick and long. He had a couple very promising possessions matched against Childs. But he also played himself out of position as a help defender. Mast looked like the best rebounder of the three. His form on his jumper is great even tho they mostly didn’t go in. His lateral quickness is his biggest weakness at the moment, but he is probably the first option to back up Ari in my opinion. Linke didn’t stand out to me in any way, positive or negative. Sometimes the guy who doesn’t make mistakes is the best option, but he is third of these three right now. There isn’t too much separating these three tho really.
Kent is a really promising prospect. He’s so long, and his shot is so smooth it’s hard to see him not being a contributor in the next couple years. He’s sneaky athletic, but he’s a perimeter guy and we are very deep on the outside. If he were 20-25 pounds heavier and could play some power forward he’d get minutes this year, but as it is he’s probably going to have limited time this year. I like him a lot for next year.