Originally posted by algotrader
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But in the cases you cite, even after correcting for the reported tabulation errors by the non-political Georgia Department of Public Health, the new case count in Georgia is still down since the state removed most of the restrictions-
This is despite a huge increase in the number of tests being done which would have been expected to add significantly to the new case count.
It's hard to deny that the relaxing of restrictions has not resulted in the hysterical predictions by some in the media, like this laughable article-
Georgia’s Experiment in Human Sacrifice
Experts Predict Sharp Rise In Georgia COVID-19 Deaths Following Eased Restrictions
And with all due respect, the article about the Florida count relates only to the death count, which is not what I referred to. My post referred to the new case count since lifting restrictions. Even if it what the article alleges were true, by their own admission it would have only increased the death count by no more than 10% which still would have left the death count way down (see stats link below), and would have had zero effect on the daily new case count.
However, there is evidence that some states have inflated the number of deaths due to coronavirus.
Several states have revised their death counts down after they were scrutinized-
And a number of other states have admitted counting deaths which were never tested or officially documented to be due to the coronavirus-
So it seems reasonable for the Florida Department of Health (also a non-political organization) to review those numbers before making them public.
Nobody expects the case numbers to disappear, but the official statistics show that the new case count in Florida has not increased (it is actually down) despite the state lifting restrictions, and despite a huge increase in testing, which should have resulted in a big increase in new cases.
Even the liberal website Politico is mocking the alarmist, hysterical claims by media of "a post-apocalyptic hellscape of coronavirus infection and cadavers stacked like cordwood" because Florida opened up-