With the exception of the Tradition Banquet in 2015 (which drew over 1,200 but wasn't really a basketball post-season event but was actually celebrating far more than Bradley basketball), we have not had a post-season event since before Mike Cross...(April of 2009 to be exact - held upstairs in the Bradley Student Center - there were about 200-250 people there.)
That season was a GOOD year with the 4th consecutive 20 win season and we made it to the finals of yet another post-season tournament (CIT)
(But then a few months later - Mike Cross came in and ended just about everything as we know it)
How about one this year to celebrate success and THE ARRIVAL!!
The Arrival Banquet!!
That season was a GOOD year with the 4th consecutive 20 win season and we made it to the finals of yet another post-season tournament (CIT)
(But then a few months later - Mike Cross came in and ended just about everything as we know it)
How about one this year to celebrate success and THE ARRIVAL!!
The Arrival Banquet!!