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Braves Practices...

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  • #16
    Originally posted by bravesmanager11
    not gonna lie, some of you guys are like stalkers.....

    Is the difference between a stalker and booster the size of his donations?


    • #17
      ............That puts me in the stalker mode unless you can count your kids tuition?


      • #18
        How about a report on Will Egolf or Theron Wilson?


        • #19
          Will was not there when I was but Theron was he plays all out he is kind of a tweener not really a 4 but doesn't shoot good enough to be a 3 not sure where he will fit in at.


          • #20
            Thanks bf9!


            • #21
              Originally posted by bu fan 9
              Will was not there when I was but Theron was he plays all out he is kind of a tweener not really a 4 but doesn't shoot good enough to be a 3 not sure where he will fit in at.
              He's listed as a G/F, and at 6'5" 190 seems like he's a slightly bigger Lawrence Wright-type. I think Jim and Co. are counting him to help out on the glass first and foremost, which it sounds like he will.
              Onward and Upward!


              • #22
                Originally posted by bravesmanager11
                not gonna lie, some of you guys are like stalkers.....
                Stalker: to pursue obsessively and to the point of harassment

                I don't think so.

                I think just avid fans.

                As for me, I only put "Stalker Shoes" on for sizzling-sounding female vocalists.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by MacabreMob
                  Originally posted by bravesmanager11
                  not gonna lie, some of you guys are like stalkers.....
                  Stalker: to pursue obsessively and to the point of harassment

                  I don't think so.

                  I think just avid fans.

                  As for me, I only put "Stalker Shoes" on for sizzling-sounding female vocalists.

                  Celien Dion?
                  Katharine McPhee?

                  We need names MM
                  ???We all want Bradley to win. If our methods and visions for that are different, then so be it. Don't ever attempt to tell me I am not a fan!???


                  • #24
                    MacabreMob's Midnight Dream Singer

                    Originally posted by Braveman
                    Originally posted by MacabreMob
                    Originally posted by bravesmanager11
                    not gonna lie, some of you guys are like stalkers.....
                    Stalker: to pursue obsessively and to the point of harassment

                    I don't think so.

                    I think just avid fans.

                    As for me, I only put "Stalker Shoes" on for sizzling-sounding female vocalists.

                    Celine Dion?
                    Katharine McPhee?

                    We need names MM!!

                    I think MM means this "sizzling-sounding" female vocalist. He just loves her


                    • #25
                      ???We all want Bradley to win. If our methods and visions for that are different, then so be it. Don't ever attempt to tell me I am not a fan!???


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