Originally posted by MacabreMob
Originally posted by Da Coach
Originally posted by amckillip
Originally posted by BUBalum05
Originally posted by amckillip
WOW, NO WAY I SAW THIS COMING! I hope it doesn't mean we lose DA.
Theron Wilson was on campus this past weekend, but at that time, with just 1 scholarship to fill, I don't think the coaches felt Theron was what Bradley needed the most. But now that all the needs are filled, this move makes more sense if there is an available scholarship. I have heard rumors of SS going to SIUE, but I don't know if it has been finalized.
Here is the previous thread on Theron Wilson--
Theron is the first player from Seward County at Bradley since Marcus Pollard.
He has some impressive numbers, considering he played in a very tought juco conference--
19.4 points per game
10.7 rebounds a game
2.65 assists per game
2.3 steals per game
46.4% field goal pct.
64.8% on free throws (he was 191 for 307 for the year. He shot 307 free throws in 31 games!- an average of 10 free throws a game!)
23.9% on 3's
