They're debating over on Valleytalk who has the best/worst venues. Does anyone have any good Internet photos of Carver? I've never found a really good photo . . . the one on the BU site you can barely see anything . . . looks like there's no upper bowl.
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Carver Arena
Yeah, I know they were really bashing Carver arena over at Valley Talk. Some had is the second worst place in the league! I mean come on!Thinking is the hardest work, that is why so few people do it. -Henry Ford
Yeah...I've been in college for a while now and I'm pretty sure that awesomest is not a word. -Andrew E.
Originally posted by StrykerYeah, I know they were really bashing Carver arena over at Valley Talk. Some had is the second worst place in the league! I mean come on!
Sadly, they may not be far from the point. While Carver may not be on of the worst in the Valley, it could be much bigger and better for the Braves. Carver was designed in the 80s (without much thought for growth) and is fast becoming eclipsed by other arenas. While it has had a few minor upgrades, without a few major changes (capacity and other amenities), it will quickly become bested by others and fade into memory. I don't want to happen at Carver, what happened with Robertson. Everyone was so busy telling themselves that it was such a great place for Bradley to play that they lost the realization that it should have been replaced far sooner than it was. If Bradley truly wants to be considered among the higher mid-majors (or possible a future above that) they must begin to address this problem soon and at least have a facility capable of handling a 1st round NCAA event..
I came to Bradley in 1986 because BU gave me nearly a full-ride scholarship. I came to BU sight unseen. When I arrived I thought it was okay . . . worth the scholarship. I CAME to Bradley that way. But I UNDERSTOOD Bradley the first time I walked into Carver Arena.
So I disagree a bit with some of you. That is a special place to me: a place where a school with 5000 students can draw 11000 screaming fans. So many afternoons or nights I spent there were electric.
I wish I had the photos, but I don't.
Personally...I love going to Carver. I always have a great time.
But objectively I can see that the place is multi-purpose...pushing the fans farther from the court than they should be. The first time I went to Redbird I was sitting in the upper deck and I was freaked out at the steep view...but I was right over the court....that's how a basketball stadium should be.
I can't rank all ten because I'm too biased for BU...but I can see where other people are coming from on this...are any other MVC gyms used for hockey? Is Omaha basketball only? Never been.
I can't agree with anyone who doesn't like Carver. For a city the size of Peoria, with a 5000 student body, who are finally starting to realize how much fun a night at the arena can be, win or lose, it's great. The state wasted money building the Redbird arena. For the crowds they get the old gym was plenty big enough.What part of illegal don't you understand?
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