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Click Here to See Who New UK Coach Is...(Maybe)
The report just changed a bit. The first time I clicked on the link it reported that UK would sign Billy Donovan after Friday's Florida game. I didn't copy the exact text, but it sounded like it was official and did not give a source.
Now it is hedging a bit on that statement, and they are attributing it to someone on one of the UK fan sites, probably so they can deflect blame if they are wrong--
According to Darrell Bird of, UK is poised to name Billy Donovan its new basketball coach after Florida's final game in the NCAA Tournament.
According to, the reported package is a seven year deal worth $3.5 million per year. The report further states there is a $3.5 million loyalty bonus if Donovan completes all seven years. The deal reportedly was made last Thursday and Friday during a meeting with Donovan's agent here in Lexington.
Here is more. Apparently the person who reported this on the fan site sounds like he may be backing off it a little--
Doubt that's going to happen. Why would the guy leave a school where he's won a national championship, with possibly another coming this weekend, as well as a school with good tradition and a recruiting name for a school that is in the same conference. Doesn't seem like there would be much to gain, I'm sure Billy's making a pretty hefty check at UF.
Now it really looks like the source is backtracking. The link in the top post first stated Donovan and Kentucky had reached an agreement, then it was changed to a softer statement simply stating that the other website had repoorted the Donovan story, and now the story is gone entirely.
If you click on the top link (here it is again)--
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