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The Division I Coaching Carousel Thread

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  • #91
    This thread keeps going on and on....

    Here is the list of coaching changes updated for the events at Ball State and Texas Southern:

    Coach that's out....................replaced by
    Jeff Bzdelic (Air Force) -- Replaced by Jeff Reynolds
    Stan Heath (Arkansas) -- Replaced by John Pelphrey
    Ronny Thompson (Ball State) -- Billy Taylor
    Al Walker (Binghamton) -- Replaced by Kevin Broadus
    Dan Dakich (Bowling Green) -- Replaced by Louis Orr
    Todd Lickliter (Butler) -- Replaced by Brad Stevens
    David Spencer (California-Riverside) -- Replaced by ex-Kansas St. coach Jim Wooldridge
    Kevin Jones (Chicago State) -- Replaced by Benjy Taylor
    Buzz Peterson (Coastal Carolina) -- Replaced by Cliff Ellis
    Ricardo Patton (Colorado) -- Replaced by Jeff Bzdelic
    Dale Layer (Colorado State) -- Replaced by Tim Miles
    Dana Altman (Creighton) -- left for Arkansas, then returned and signed again with Creighton
    Terry Carroll (Denver) -- Replaced by Joe Scott
    Dr. Tom Davis (Drake) -- already replaced by Keno Davis
    Ricky Stokes (East Carolina) -- Mack McCarthy
    Mike Burns (Eastern Washington) -- Replaced by Kirk Earlywine
    Steve Merfeld (Evansville) -- Replaced by Marty Simmons
    Billy Donovan (Florida) -- left for the NBA then returned and signed again with Florida
    Mike Gillespie (Florida A & M University) -- Eugene Harris
    Michael Perry (Georgia State) -- Replaced by Rod Barnes
    Frank Sullivan (Harvard) -- Replaced by Tommy Amaker
    Riley Wallace (Hawaii) -- Replaced by Bob Nash
    Porter Moser (Illinois State) -- Replaced by Tim Jankovich
    Royce Waltman (Indiana State) -- Replaced by Kevin McKenna
    Jeff Ruland (Iona) -- Replaced by Kevin Willard
    Steve Alford (Iowa) -- Replaced by Todd Lickliter
    Bob Huggins (Kansas State) -- Replaced by Frank Martin
    Tubby Smith (Kentucky) -- Replaced by Billy Gillispie
    Billy Taylor (Lehigh) -- Brett Reed
    Randy Dunton (Liberty) -- Replaced by Ritchie McKay
    Larry Reynolds (Long Beach State) -- Replaced by Dan Monson
    Keith Richard (Louisiana Tech) -- Replaced by Kerry Rupp
    Ron Jirsa (Marshall) -- Replaced by Donnie Jones
    Larry Lessett (Maryland-Eastern Shore) -- names assistant coach Meredith Smith as interim coach for 2007-2008
    Tommy Amaker (Michigan) -- Replaced by John Beilein
    Jim Molinari (Minnesota-interim) - Replaced by Tubby Smith
    Dan Monson (Minnesota - before mid-season) -- Replaced by Jim Molinari
    Rich Zvosec (UM-KC) -- Replaced by Matt Brown
    Ritchie McKay (New Mexico) -- Replaced by Steve Alford
    Reggie Theus (New Mexico State) - Replaced by Marvin Menzies
    Buzz Williams (New Orleans) -- Replaced by Joe Pasternack
    Dwight Freeman (Norfolk State) -- Replaced by Anthony Evans who is termed "Interim Coach through 2007-2008."
    Tim Miles (North Dakota State) -- left to take Colorado State job -- Replaced by Saul Phillips
    Rob Judson (Northern Illinois) -- Replaced by Ricardo Patton
    Joe Scott (Princeton) -- Replaced by Sydney Johnson
    Joe DeSantis (Quinnipiac) -- Replaced by Tom Moore
    Byron Samuels (Radford) -- Replaced by Brad Greenberg, brother of Virginia Tech's Seth Greenberg
    Mark Schmidt (Robert Morris) -- Replaced by Mike Rice
    Anthony Solomon (St. Bonaventure) -- Replaced by Mark Schmidt
    Brad Soderberg (St. Louis University) -- Replaced by Rick Majerus
    Brad Holland (San Diego) -- Replaced by Bill Grier
    Dick Davey (Santa Clara) -- Replaced by Kerry Keating
    John Pelphrey (South Alabama) -- Replaced by Ronnie Arrow
    Jamal Brown (South Carolina State) -- Replaced by Tim Carter
    Robert McCullom (University of South Florida) -- Replaced by Stan Heath
    Bill Evans (Southern Utah) -- Replaced by Roger Reid
    Billy Gillispie (Texas A&M) -- Replaced by Mark Turgeon
    Ronnie Arrow (Texas A&M - Corpus Christi) -- Replaced by Perry Clark
    Ronnie Courtney (Texas Southern) -- Robert Moreland - interim
    Ray Giacoletti (Utah) -- Replaced by Jim Boylen
    Skip Prosser (Wake Forest) --Dino Gaudio
    John Beilein (West Virginia) -- Replaced by Bob Huggins
    Mark Turgeon (Wichita State) -- Replaced by Gregg Marshall
    Gregg Marshall (Winthrop) -- Replaced by Randy Peele
    Steve McLain (Wyoming) -- Replaced by Heath Schroyer

    65 spots filled, NONE left open

    Here is a listing of the 61 head coaching changes that occurred last year, 2005-2006.


    • #92
      Florida A&M and Texas Southern positions are still open.

      University of Alabama-Birmingham has just hired a new assistant that will be familiar to most Valley fans.
      The son of ex-ISU head coach, Bob Donewald is hired to work with ex-IU coach Mike Davis as a new assistant at UAB.


      • #93
        An update on the only two D-I head coaching positions yet to be filled.

        At Texas Southern, interviews are being conducted.
        Former football Heisman trophy winner Charlie Ward, who never played pro football, but who played in the NBA with the Knicks and the Houston Rockets had interviewed but now has withdrawn his name from consideration.
        Ward is presently the head coach at one of the local Houston high schools.
        One of the leading candidates appears to be Former TSU basketball star Kevin Granger.
        Granger has never had any college coaching experience at any level, but he has been very active in the Houston area AAU scene and is the director of Nike Pro City Houston, an AAU sponsor and a pro-am basketball league and organizer.
        The other leading candidate appears to be Calvin Murphy, ex-NBA'er.

        At Florida A&M, they have organized a search committee, a process that likely will struggle to get a head coach in position before the season starts.
        They even have one of the CURRENT PLAYERS on the committee along with 5 other top school officials-including a journalism professor, and even one of the state's senators!
        They had said back in August that they'd like to have a coach in place by Sept.15, but that appears nearly impossible now, as they have just now begun to "advertise and field inquiries" for the position.
        As of this week, not one name has yet to surface as a leading candidate for the spot.


        • #94
          Another update on the only two open coaching positions:

          "Two schools, Florida A&M and Texas Southern, still don't have coaches with the start of practice just four weeks away.

          FAMU, an NCAA Tournament team last season as champions of the Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference, has pared its list to five finalists. The list includes two former coaches at high majors, Michigan assistant Jerry Dunn (who was coach at Penn State) and former Colorado assistant Paul Graham (Washington State). The others still in the running are Georgia State assistant Eugene Harris, Mississippi State assistant Robert Kirby and Chipola College coach Greg Heiar.

          Former Penn State coach and current Michigan assistant Jerry Dunn may lead for the position at FAMU.
          Heiar is the only white candidate for the opening at the historically black college. At 31, he also is the youngest. The previous coach, Mike Gillespie Sr., was white.

          Gillespie was fired in August after being arrested and charged with misdemeanor stalking in May. He pleaded no contest to the charge earlier this month and was sentenced to one year of probation. He also was ordered not to have any contact with the victim, a former girlfriend. Gillespie has been married for 34 years.

          FAMU officials have said they hope to name a new coach by this weekend. Dunn, 54, is believed to be the leading candidate. He was 117-121 as coach of the Nittany Lions from 1995-2003. He has been an assistant to John Beilein at West Virginia and now Michigan since being fired in Happy Valley.

          The Houston Chronicle reported that the leading candidate at Texas Southern is Kevin Granger. He is the school's leading career scorer and led the nation in scoring in 1996."
          ...per Rivals


          • #95
            Now only one head coaching job in D-I left to be filled.

            Florida A&M University hires Georgia State assistant Eugene Harris
            Florida A&M will announce Georgia State assistant Eugene Harris as its next men's basketball coach at a Tuesday news conference in Tallahassee, multiple sources told Monday.

            Only Texas Southern has an opening


            • #96
              The final open D-I head coaching slot appears to be filled..........for now

              Robert Moreland was just named the "Interim Head Coach"
              and Texas Southern University

              Robert Moreland has been named interim men's basketball coach at Texas Southern six years after his firing ended a 26-year run there.


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