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Looks like brewing legal troubles for Jamar

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  • Looks like brewing legal troubles for Jamar

    "Illini player drove away from accident scene"
    Police were called to the apartments where Jamar Smith lives, but apparently not by Jamar, and found Carlwell injured, bleeding, and still inside the car by himself.

    Jamar's family declines any public comment and
    hires an attorney:

  • #2
    I am suspicious when I read things like this from the following link:

    "Smith was cited for improper lane usage, Brown said, and campus police say further action is possible depending on the outcome of a pending investigation."

    "Brown said he could not comment on what contributed to the crash, although the winter storm that forced classes to be canceled may have been a factor. He said he also could not comment on whether Smith, 19, had been drinking. 'I cannot and I would not confirm that. It's a legal matter,' Brown said."

    "Brown said no decision had been made yet about Smith's status for Sunday's home game against Northwestern. 'I don't think we've even touched that at this point. That's something Coach will decide later.' Brown said."


    • #3
      I am suspicious when someone hires an attorney.


      • #4
        But isn't it everyone's constitutional right, and given the circumstances?
        I'd be pretty surprised if he didn't hire an attorney.
        The University, the insurance companies, and probably even the owner of the property that was damaged will all likely have attorneys of their own.
        Thankfully nobody was killed, and hopefully everyone will recover, but I am certain that the Carlwell family will want their medical costs covered.

        More troubles on the way?


        • #5
          Originally posted by tornado
          But isn't it everyone's constitutional right, and given the circumstances?
          I'd be pretty surprised if he didn't hire an attorney.
          The University, the insurance companies, and probably even the owner of the property that was damaged will all likely have attorneys of their own.
          Thankfully nobody was killed, and hopefully everyone will recover, but I am certain that the Carlwell family will want their medical costs covered.
          You are definitly right its his right to have legal council. I am just suspicious about this entire situation and hiring an attorney fuels suspicion. I hope I am wrong and it was a simple accident.


          • #6
            Others are starting to get a little suspicious about the events of this crash--


            • #7
              Originally posted by houstontxbrave
              I am suspicious when someone hires an attorney.
              Why....I'm MORE suspicious when they don't. Means they not very smart.


              • #8
                Originally posted by dogsrus
                Originally posted by houstontxbrave
                I am suspicious when someone hires an attorney.
                Why....I'm MORE suspicious when they don't. Means they not very smart.
                I guess I suspect with someone who hires an attorney there is more then just a normal accident or situation. By hiring an attorney then it feels like an admission of guilt or there is more to what happened and I need help.

                Again I really hope I am wrong and it was a simple accident.

                Maybe he really just wants to protect his rights and make sure anything done or said is through his representation.... time will tell.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by houstontxbrave
                  Originally posted by dogsrus
                  Originally posted by houstontxbrave
                  I am suspicious when someone hires an attorney.
                  Why....I'm MORE suspicious when they don't. Means they not very smart.
                  I guess I suspect with someone who hires an attorney there is more then just a normal accident or situation. By hiring an attorney then it feels like an admission of guilt or there is more to what happened and I need help.

                  Again I really hope I am wrong and it was a simple accident.

                  Maybe he really just wants to protect his rights and make sure anything done or said is through his representation.... time will tell.
                  I'll refer to some people in the legal profession for this one, but I would think that there's usually no reason to hire an attorney for a 1 car accident unless there are other, more serious charges possible. I am hearing from some folks that there is more coming about this, and from the actions today I would say they're probably right.
                  Onward and Upward!


                  • #10
                    i'm not saying this to accuse anyone of anything but "improper lane usage" is the ticket that most people who get a dui are charged with...just wanted to point that out as a fact, not an accusation.
                    COMMIT TO THE INDIAN!!! - denis savard on his blackhawks, but we should adapt this as a bradley slogan.


                    • #11
                      IF the reports are true as to Smith's actions after the crash, he may have committed a felony offense. AGAIN, to be clear, I have no idea what he did that night or if any of the rumors online are true. I am just saying that IF they have a SHREAD of truth in them it makes a lot of sense that he hired a lawyer.

                      Here's a relevant portion of the Illinois Vehicle Code:
                      Sec. 11???‚¬???401. Motor vehicle accidents involving death or personal injuries.
                      (a) The driver of any vehicle involved in a motor vehicle accident resulting in personal injury to or death of any person shall immediately stop such vehicle at the scene of such accident, or as close thereto as possible and shall then forthwith return to, and in every event shall remain at the scene of the accident until the requirements of Section 11???‚¬???403 have been fulfilled. Every such stop shall be made without obstructing traffic more than is necessary.
                      (b) Any person who has failed to stop or to comply with the requirements of paragraph (a) shall, as soon as possible but in no case later than one???‚¬???half hour after such motor vehicle accident, or, if hospitalized and incapacitated from reporting at any time during such period, as soon as possible but in no case later than one???‚¬???half hour after being discharged from the hospital, report the place of the accident, the date, the approximate time, the driver's name and address, the registration number of the vehicle driven, and the names of all other occupants of such vehicle, at a police station or sheriff's office near the place where such accident occurred. No report made as required under this paragraph shall be used, directly or indirectly, as a basis for the prosecution of any violation of paragraph (a).

                      Basically the reference to section 403 means you have to give reasonable aid to an injured person in a crash. Here's a link to the whole section.

                      If there's a suspicion of DUI, there's a whole other ball of wax there. Hypothetically, if someone was DUI and there was a crash with personal injury, I belive that's a felony too. I'd provide the link but I need to make sure my WEEK stream works.



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by houstontxbrave
                        I am suspicious when someone hires an attorney.

                        I am hearing that the attorney hired by the Smith family is the same attorney that is presently representing Richard McBride in his arrest for "driving under the influence" and that case is scheduled to be heard in court on March 1, 2007.

                        The law firm that attorney Mark Lipton is in advertises heavily to represent people in cases of DUI. (Meyer Capel)

                        Here on these web pages they are one of the only Champaign law firms advertising as "DUI Lawyers".
                        Search the largest Attorney directory by category on AttorneyPages®.

                        Search the largest Attorney directory by category on AttorneyPages®.

                        A google search shows that Attorney Mark Lipton is also invloved in other high profile DUI cases.

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                        I even found a legal seminar (March 2005) involving the law firm of Meyer Capel which was entitled
                        "Procedural Techniques for Successfully Defending DUI and Reckless Homicide Cases"

                        They are also criminal defense lawyers, so you decide what all this means.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by chitownBUB
                          Originally posted by houstontxbrave
                          I am suspicious when someone hires an attorney.

                          I am hearing that the attorney hired by the Smith family is the same attorney that is presently representing Richard McBride in his arrest for "driving under the influence"
                          U of I has them on


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