Kelvin's top big man in next year's incoming recruiting class, a California kid named Eli Holman, a 6-10 center,
is not going to play basketball for the rest of the season.
Here's the reason...
He was out late Saturday night partying with friends, and went to a motel...
Already this just isn't sounding too smart, right??
Then two (mayeb three) different people who Holman cannot identify opened fire on the MERCEDES Holman was riding in, and Eli was struck by a bullet near his spine.
He is likely to recover, but won't return to school or play basketball.
Actually, Holman hadn't been playing because he was still serving a suspension from assaulting a referee in a game last season!
My guess is that there's a whole lot more to this story that we aren't being told, and I don't believe it is a totally innocent incident of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Maybe the kid is better off playing for Bob Huggins.
is not going to play basketball for the rest of the season.
Here's the reason...
He was out late Saturday night partying with friends, and went to a motel...
Already this just isn't sounding too smart, right??
Then two (mayeb three) different people who Holman cannot identify opened fire on the MERCEDES Holman was riding in, and Eli was struck by a bullet near his spine.
He is likely to recover, but won't return to school or play basketball.
Actually, Holman hadn't been playing because he was still serving a suspension from assaulting a referee in a game last season!
My guess is that there's a whole lot more to this story that we aren't being told, and I don't believe it is a totally innocent incident of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Maybe the kid is better off playing for Bob Huggins.