Does anyone know if there will be anymore pregame parties at Z-bar for the rest of the year? I thought I heard at the end of the fall semester they would begin again for the ISU game and the start of the spring semester. However, I just received an e-mail saying there is no official party for the ISU game. 4-Play was also providing some of the shirt give-aways for the students, did they drop their support?
The first party before the DePaul game was great and a ton of students showed up. They even had to let people move into the empty part of Big Al's for more seating. However, a couple parties for weekday games were pretty dead. What does eveyone else think about Z-bar picking up were Babes left off?
The first party before the DePaul game was great and a ton of students showed up. They even had to let people move into the empty part of Big Al's for more seating. However, a couple parties for weekday games were pretty dead. What does eveyone else think about Z-bar picking up were Babes left off?