We have been experiencing some technical problems with the website. It appears the problem is in files on our server, but they have not been fixed yet.
Some of the images and other parts of our webpages are not loading properly.
But since today is an important day with NLI signings, and a game day, we have tried to get the site back online even if not fully operational.
Sorry for the problems, but we have been fortunate to have gone many years without any significant interruptions until now. We hope to have things resolved soon, but it could take a while. One problem is that the version of vBulletin message board software we are using is now about 10 years old, and is no longer serviced by the vBulletin people. So we may need to install upgrades, which will be expensive and may result in further downtime.
Some of the images and other parts of our webpages are not loading properly.
But since today is an important day with NLI signings, and a game day, we have tried to get the site back online even if not fully operational.
Sorry for the problems, but we have been fortunate to have gone many years without any significant interruptions until now. We hope to have things resolved soon, but it could take a while. One problem is that the version of vBulletin message board software we are using is now about 10 years old, and is no longer serviced by the vBulletin people. So we may need to install upgrades, which will be expensive and may result in further downtime.