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More serious charges at Michigan State

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  • #16
    Originally posted by BUfan17 View Post
    Exactly, there is really nothing the police could have done to prevent this. There are parties every weekend with nothing newsworthy happening. I know the police have been tight lipped about the details but it seems the non-student was targeted and the Bradley student just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I highly doubt the shooter was a Bradley students. If you look up the non-student's name he has quite an arrest record such as (AGGRAVATED ASSAULT/USE DDLY WEAP/RIFLE,MOB ACTION/VIO TO PERSON/PROP,AGGRAVATED BATTERY,RESIST/OBSTRUCT OFFICER,DISORDERLY CONDUCT). Why was he at a party with Bradley students I don't know. I expect details to come out soon. Things like this are why the students are generally careful around "townies" as they call them. But this is obviously not a good look for Bradley and Peoria as a whole to have a student murdered right off campus.
    Must be a different person the PJS wrote about in today??™s paper.
    What part of illegal don't you understand?


    • #17
      Originally posted by Crusenswings View Post
      This was the line that confused me. The residence the shooting happened at is in the neighborhood that houses campus. Its not technically "campus" but it's like saying Depaul is in Lincoln Park except Lincoln Park is much bigger. It's not like the student ventured down the hill.
      under some sort of an agreement between the Bradley campus police & the Peoria police, the Bradley campus force is fully allowed to patrol, enforce, and make arrests in a zone that surrounds the campus but is not owned by the campus.

      I do not know the full details of the agreement but it is described here:

      "Police Services Agreement BradleyUniversity-City of Peoria
      File No. 87-350

      Mutual Law Enforcement Agreement, Peoria Police Department-Bradley University Police Department, County of Peoria the Sheriff of Peoria County and the Bradley University Police Department."


      • #18
        an arrest has been made in the tragic fatal shooting near the Bradley campus


        • #19
          is it just a perception or is crime everywhere getting worse?


          • #20
            Originally posted by tornado View Post
            is it just a perception or is crime everywhere getting worse?

            I don't think it is any worse. I feel there is better communication of a crime to the public


            • #21
              Originally posted by Crusenswings View Post
              Off campus houses are something that a large majority of students live in now-a-days. I wouldn't consider Bradley Ave and Western FAR off campus. It is a few blocks and when I was a student I knew guys who had a house right over there. Bradley police do patrol that area as they sit in the elementary school there and write tickets. So yes, it was off campus, but the police monitor much more than the 84 acres that is "campus". It is Bradley police that break up the "off campus" keggers, they should've had there eye on the house when there were posts on social media advertising the party.
              [QUOTE=tornado;825138906]I know they patrol that area, but they cannot possibly know what's going on inside any of those houses nor can they enforce any behavior inside of a private residence. Until shots rang out, there wasn't a single thing the Bradley police could have possibly done even if they had 2 cars cruising that block all night.

              The house in question is the last house on Bradley Avenue before you hit Western Ave. The next house has a Western Ave. address. So this is three full blocks west of any property that is owned by Bradley. Swords Hall is 1501 W. Bradley and the shooting was at 1821 W. Bradley - nearly four blocks away.

              What happened to the beefed up police patrols that used to monitor the area? Did it become a budget issue? In addition to more patrols, their used to be almost bi-monthly task forces made up of campus, city, and county officers that walked the streets surrounding campus looking for loud parties or students drinking outside. Cops went up to doors and windows looking inside for signs of underage drinking. They carried breathalizers and handed out lots of tickets. This led to students fully covering windows with blinds/blankets to prevent being seen from the outside.

              House parties on and off campus had to "register" their party with Bradley. They were required to have an official check ID's and had to end at midnight or 1:00am. This was the policy just a few years ago and I remember discussing it here on bradleyfans.


              • #22
                There is no “next house”. Bradley ends where the shootings occurred and across the street it becomes W. Peoria.
                What part of illegal don't you understand?


                • #23
                  the next house has been demolished - it is now an empty lot


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by tornado View Post
                    the next house has been demolished - it is now an empty lot
                    There never was a ???next house??? on Bradley. Next to that house is Western Ave.
                    What part of illegal don't you understand?


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Chico View Post
                      There never was a “next house” on Bradley. Next to that house is Western Ave.
                      At one time, there was.
                      Western Avenue was widened from 2 lanes to 5 lanes (2 in each direction plus a center turn lane), in the 1980's. Now if you drive down Western, you'll notice there are no homes facing the street on the east side. But there used to be homes on that side of Western facing the street. They were all acquired by the city and torn down and sacrificed to widen the road. I used to live in one of those homes that is no longer there. So back then, there would have been another lot to the west of that house, but the house would have been facing Western and had a Western Ave address.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Chico View Post
                        There never was a ???next house??? on Bradley. Next to that house is Western Ave.
                        I can assure you there was - Da Coach used to live in the house next to the one where the murder took place


                        • #27
                          So technically it was on Western and not Bradley, right. I used to live on Western in West Peoria and know they tore down a few houses on the Peoria side of Western. Must be getting old, I don’t remember the houses on Western extending all the way to Bradley Ave.
                          Last edited by Chico; 04-16-2018, 10:01 AM.
                          What part of illegal don't you understand?


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