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  • Originally posted by bradleyfan124 View Post

    Oh touchy! touchy! The definition of personal is they know know and dislike them personnaly. Tommy says he did not know him but just did not like his coaching style. Now I personnaly did not know a certain previous female President who shall remain nameless but I would not hire her to run my Daycare Center
    You guys need to move on with your lives. They are gone. There is no need to keep taking personal shots at them.


    • Originally posted by egib52 View Post

      If it's not personal then why do you have to take shots at him every time his name comes up?
      Ok. It's personal.
      Larry Bird
      I've got a theory that if you give 100 percent all of the time, somehow things will work out in the end.


      • Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and they are welcome here. But what we discourage is criticizing or attacking others for their opinions.
        I suspect it will be a long time before most Bradley fans forget the meddling, mismanagement, corruption, and damage to the Bradley athletic programs by the previous administration. And if it's fair to remember and comment on the many past BU successes, shouldn't it be acceptable to comment on the failures?
        Personal attacks are a little different. As a moderator, I consider those kinds of attacks carefully, but I did not take Tommy's original comment about Geno as a personal attack, but rather one base on experiencing the results of his coaching here.


        • Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
          Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and they are welcome here. But what we discourage is criticizing or attacking others for their opinions.
          I suspect it will be a long time before most Bradley fans forget the meddling, mismanagement, corruption, and damage to the Bradley athletic programs by the previous administration. And if it's fair to remember and comment on the many past BU successes, shouldn't it be acceptable to comment on the failures?
          Personal attacks are a little different. As a moderator, I consider those kinds of attacks carefully, but I did not take Tommy's original comment about Geno as a personal attack, but rather one base on experiencing the results of his coaching here.
          There is a quote, " Those who cannot remember the past are condmned to repeat it"..George Santayana and Winston Churchill ( although he modified it somewhat)


          • I don't think there is anyone on here that doesn't remember the past if they have been a BU fan longer then the last couple years. However, it gets old that every conversation that includes any aspect of that administration reverts back to complaining about those three. We need to move on, and not continuing to dwell on it. Yes, Geno was not good here, but he was not a terrible person. He also had success at Kent State before coming here, so saying he will essentially destroy any program he touches is not accurate or fair.


            • It is possible to move on and to remember the past at the same time. For me right now, remembering the past actually fills me with joy because it highlights how far and how quickly bad things can be overcome simply by by having the right foundation, mindset, and a workmanlike attitude. Victory has favored the fearless, to quote our fine head coach.
              Compete. Defend. Rebound. Win.


              • Originally posted by Dub View Post
                It is possible to move on and to remember the past at the same time. For me right now, remembering the past actually fills me with joy because it highlights how far and how quickly bad things can be overcome simply by by having the right foundation, mindset, and a workmanlike attitude. Victory has favored the fearless, to quote our fine head coach.
                Oh my!! Could not have been said any better


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