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Transfers & Grad Transfers

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  • Originally posted by tornado View Post
    I notice he also didn't name Markus Howard in that Tweet either.. i think he simply doesn't want to play another year with him
    Yes, he did. He specifically thanked his teammates. He did not thank his coach. But I'm sure there will be plenty of conspiracy theories.


    • He didn’t name anyone specifically.
      Gotta stop feeding the trolls.


      • well if thanking your teammates = thanking Markus Howard specifically
        then thanking "everyone involved with Marquette basketball" = thanking his coach
        The ball is in Markus Howard's hands 80% of the time on offense and he takes 20 shots while rarely passing the ball...
        ..many thought he would enter the NBA Draft (LINK) but the instant he declares he gonna return to Marquette - then both Hausers leave...not a coincidence...
        If they hated Wojo so much they'd have been in the transfer portal weeks ago.


        • Originally posted by tornado View Post
          well if thanking your teammates = thanking Markus Howard specifically
          then thanking "everyone involved with Marquette basketball" = thanking his coach
          The ball is in Markus Howard's hands 80% of the time on offense and he takes 20 shots while rarely passing the ball...
          ..many thought he would enter the NBA Draft (LINK) but the instant he declares he gonna return to Marquette - then both Hausers leave...not a coincidence...
          If they hated Wojo so much they'd have been in the transfer portal weeks ago.
          If he does not pass the ball and shoots all the time without including his teammates then that is the coaches fault


          • possibly, as I said people's opinions are mixed - but the only thing that matters is what did the Hausers think?
            If they were gonna leave purely because of the coach, then why wait until after Howard announces his decision then leave right away afterwards?


            • Originally posted by bradleyfan124 View Post

              If he does not pass the ball and shoots all the time without including his teammates then that is the coaches fault
              Markus Howard is the major reason Marquette won 24 games. He is one of the top shooting guards in the country. He passed up a near-certain 1st round draft slot to return to Marquette for his senior season. Nearly every Marquette fan would gladly trade the Hauser brothers for another year of having Howard at Marquette.
              Howard averaged 25 ppg and shot over 40% from three despite being double-teamed every game. In fact, Howard being double-teamed is a major reason the Hausers put up pretty good numbers. He lead them in scoring in 2/3 of their games. And he was not a one dimensional gunner. He lead the team in assists by a wide margin, despite being a shooting guard, not a point guard. He got to the free throw line almost 8 times per game and shot almost 90% from the line. He also averaged 4.0 rebounds per game, not bad for a shooting guard. He also is a good defensive player, and lead the team in steals.
              The problem at Marquette is not Markus Howard. It is the father of the Hauser brothers who wasn't satisfied that his boys weren't the top stars.

              Using that strange logic, Elijah Childs and Nate Kennell should leave Bradley and transfer because Darrell Brown takes more shots than they do.
              And the great 1986 Bradley team had very good players other than Hersey Hawkins. Should Jim Les and Mike Williams have bolted for another school because they didn't like Hersey Hawkins taking more shots?


              • but everyone and their mother noted a distinct change after the Villanova game in late February --
                the speculation is clearly that there's been a falling out and things are now different from when Marquette was winning

                ..that's the entire point - they went from a Top 10 team to suddenly losing to anybody & everybody then getting pummeled by Murray State
                Using your argument that everything was hunky-dory before Feb. 27 so it must still be the same is like saying obviously
                the Hausers were hunky-dory with Wojo for 3 years so it must be the same & they love the guy- but obviously it is NOT


                • They were a very good team who picked a bad time to have a 4 game losing streak and then were upset by a really good Murray State team. Do you believe that's never happened before? It doesn't warrant a dark conspiracy theory. It's simple. The Hausers dad was unhappy because his kids weren't the best players on the team and Coach Wojo didn't revolve the offense around them, so they are transferring. It happens all the time.


                  • Originally posted by Da Coach View Post

                    Markus Howard is the major reason Marquette won 24 games. He is one of the top shooting guards in the country. He passed up a near-certain 1st round draft slot to return to Marquette for his senior season. Nearly every Marquette fan would gladly trade the Hauser brothers for another year of having Howard at Marquette.
                    Howard averaged 25 ppg and shot over 40% from three despite being double-teamed every game. In fact, Howard being double-teamed is a major reason the Hausers put up pretty good numbers. He lead them in scoring in 2/3 of their games. And he was not a one dimensional gunner. He lead the team in assists by a wide margin, despite being a shooting guard, not a point guard. He got to the free throw line almost 8 times per game and shot almost 90% from the line. He also averaged 4.0 rebounds per game, not bad for a shooting guard. He also is a good defensive player, and lead the team in steals.
                    The problem at Marquette is not Markus Howard. It is the father of the Hauser brothers who wasn't satisfied that his boys weren't the top stars.

                    Using that strange logic, Elijah Childs and Nate Kennell should leave Bradley and transfer because Darrell Brown takes more shots than they do.
                    And the great 1986 Bradley team had very good players other than Hersey Hawkins. Should Jim Les and Mike Williams have bolted for another school because they didn't like Hersey Hawkins taking more shots?
                    I don't think we are comparing the same situation. I don't think Brown shoots all the time. I think he plays with the offense the Coach sets up. I was just hearing the reason they were leaving is the Markus kid shot all the time. I should not venture an opinion because I have not seen him play. The coach should be setting up the offense and if the kid shoots all the time then it is because the coach lets him. I am more of a team player. Now having said that I thought Pete Maravich was one of the greatest players of all time and yet he shot the ball most of the time. He pretty much made LSU a house hold name. But you mentioned a problem I think alot of coaches have. A parent that wants their kids to be the star player. That throws another negative ingredient into the mix.


                    • It was just an example of a similar situation. Markus Howard is like Marquette's Hersey Hawkins. He was their star and most consistent scorer, and he was voted the 2019 Big East Conference Player of the Year.-

                      He is the guy you want taking the most shots. So to blame him for the Hausers leaving seems like a backward way of looking at the Marquette situation.
                      Should every kid transfer just because someone else gets more shots and scores more points? Whatever happened to playing as a team with the goal to win? Marquette would have been the consensus pick to win the Big East next season if they all returned. But the Hausers seem to care less about winning and more about being the star and getting more accolades than win as a team. It's their choice what they want, but if that makes sense, then Nate and Elijah would be much better off transferring out of Bradley, because they will probably not be the top scorer here next year.


                      • well, it is obviously a ridiculously flawed comparison since not one significant player ever left Bradley because of Hersey or DB
                        and excessive ball-hogging & gunning at a 25-30% rate never happened here like it did at Marquette...
                        Most of the Marquette people including some claiming to have "connections" also agree-

                        either way - nobody has proof - it's just talk-


                        • So you find one single anonymous post that you agree with, and proclaim that it represents "most of MU fans"?
                          Just read the rest of the posts. Actually, most other posters on that board put the blame on the Hausers like this one.
                          Maybe Sam and Joey, who have been the "stars" their whole lives, are the divas if they can't deal with being upstaged

                          And this one-
                          The problem is that the Hauser brothers are a lot more selfish than we ever realized. Markus is the Big East player of the year – we should be giving him the ball in crunch time.

                          Howard averaged more points per game than both Hausers combined. Yet, the Hausers actually took more shots than Howard did! So just who is the gunner?
                          Using your twisted definition, you'd define Hersey Hawkins is the biggest gunner in Bradley history, which nobody would agree with.
                          And if you watched any Marquette games, you'd know that Howard was the star and was far more valuable to the team, and much more responsible for their success than either Hauser was. No surprise the coach's offense revolved around Howard and not Sam or Joey Hauser.

                          And your statement-
                          Originally posted by tornado
                          not one significant player ever left Bradley because of Hersey or DB
                          ...actually is making my point for me. Of course no Bradley player ever bolted because one of Bradley's great players was getting more shots. That would be dumb and selfish. Yet that is exactly what the Hausers are doing.

                          Most players want to play the style that their coach teaches, even if it means not getting free reign to take any shot they want.
                          OTOH, the reason the Hausers are leaving Marquette appears to be just so they can get more shots elsewhere for their own glory. They are not interested in playing for the coach they committed to. They don't seem to care that Marquette will be favored to win the Big East, be highly ranked, and they are virtually certain to return to the NCAA Tournament. Isn't that what players dream of? But they only want to have it their way, and take more shots for themselves. That is their prerogative.


                          • Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
                            ...Howard averaged more points per game than both Hausers combined. Yet, the Hausers actually took more shots than Howard did! ...
                            this is false, so what point are you trying to make with false info?

                            Howard averaged 24.9 - the Hausers averaged 15.1 and 9.8 which by my math equals 24.9 - so you are wrong
                            Howard scored 821 points - the Hausers scored 497 and 324 points which by my math equals 821 shots...

                            anyway - if Howard is taking as many shots as the next two best players COMBINED, then shouldn't he be scoring more points?? But he is not..... case closed


                            • Sorry, but you have erroneous information and my statement is provably true.
                              Here are the complete official Marquette stats-

                              Markus Howard averaged 25.03 ppg, and scored a total of 851 points in 34 games.
                              Sam Hauser averaged 14.91 ppg and a total of 507 points in 34 games.
                              Joey Hauser averaged 9.68 ppg and a total of 329 points in 34 games.

                              No matter what math you use, Howard scored more points and had a higher average than both Hausers combined, despite being double-teamed every game. Just as I said.

                              And you are also wrong about the number of shots. Howard took fewer shots than the Hausers combined. The fact he scored more points than both Hausers combined despite taking fewer shots means Howard is a more efficient scorer. He deserves to be taking more shots. He is clearly the better player. You are free to claim he is a ball hog and a gunner, but most coaches would want him taking most shots. Was Hersey Hawkins a ball hog?


                              • The battle for the solid transfers is getting fierce....even 8-9 ppg scorers are getting interest from power-conference schools...
                                ..the success of transfer kids like Matt Mooney at Texas Tech and last year Michigan making a run all the way to the Championship game in the NCAA Tourney with Charles Matthews and Duncan Robinson (a DIII transfer!) have caused a whole lot of Power Conference schools to vigorously shop the transfer market.

                                Bradley had been recruiting a Jacksonville transfer JD Notae -
                                but now he's getting Big 12 & SEC offers...

                                Derrick Smits who just left Valpo is now getting pursued by Arizona State, NC State, Butler - and taking visits there-


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