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  • Rotation...

    The Braves are 6-2 when playing without a regular starting guard.

    I have a theory of why this might be the case....

    How effective do you think a stringent rotation is? On numerous occasions I have seen someone like DA with a hot shooting hand and he is pulled (i assume due to Jim's rotation). I understand the reason for the rotation but it seems counter productive to pull your hot shooter. Is this just me or has anyone else noticed it and have similar frustrations...maybe I am in my own world. :-) So with less guards there is less rotation and less chance of having the hot shooter pulled.

    With this said I think Jim and staff have done a outstanding job. I just wonder what points I might be missing on this observation.

    Of course another reason for the success without a starting guard (i.e ruffin and now crouch) is due to the entire team stepping up their game when they know that a starter is missing...the margin of error is less and mentally the team has to be stronger.

    Thanks everyone for your input on this message board. I enjoy all of your posts and insights regarding the greatest college basketball program in the country (okay in my eyes!)

  • #2
    Do you ever talk to BH? He said in an interview that he wants to return to Peoria to work for Cat and raise a family!
    Just wondered how that was working out for him......Peoria would welcome BH back with open arms IMO!


    • #3

      Originally posted by Big Mike
      Do you ever talk to BH? He said in an interview that he wants to return to Peoria to work for Cat and raise a family!
      Just wondered how that was working out for him......Peoria would welcome BH back with open arms IMO!
      Big Mike, I have only spoke with Brandon once briefly. He is a great guy from what I can tell and what I have heard. I am friends with the team chaplain and he has only great things to say about Heemy. I agree, I think opportunities would be plentiful in the area.


      • #4
        Brandyn Heemskerk is obviously one of my top heroes if hes not on your list then i guess you dont like 7'1 white guys with high socks
        also a must on the idol list obviously
        DAVE VROMAN!


        • #5
          i would add Jay the Weatherman to the list too!
          Retire #14


          • #6
            jay is obviouly an instant idol for those who know him- but for those who dont- the "jay calls" in the middle of the game mostly on defense are from the one- the only-
            Jay the Weatherman.
            WE WANT HEEMSKERK!


            • #7
              also if you ever want a prediction for the next game....

              Just ask JAY THE WEATHERMAN!!!!!!!
              Retire #14


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