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Jojo McGlaston dismissed from Bradley basketball team

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  • #16
    I have learned a few additional key details about the Jojo McGlaston story, and they differ a bit from what is out on twitter at this time.

    If anyone wants to know the inside story, which you may not see elsewhere, send me a PM.


    • #17
      As many of you who PM'ed me now know, this issue was handled appropriately and correctly by our coaches and AD, and the decisions that were made were the right ones. In fact, I commend the staff for the great patience and compassion they have displayed in dealing with this.
      Good luck to Jojo in the future. I hope he is able to graduate with his degree next May. And I believe the team will be better off going forward.


      • #18
        There have been some wild and irresponsible allegations made on twitter, but anyone who knows either Dr. Chris Reynolds or Brian Wardle surely would know that they would NOT condone nor tolerate any kind of abuse, discrimination or racism in our Athletic Department.
        Life doesn't always seem fair, but the scholarships are AWARDED by the school & the coaching staff - they are not an entitlement.

        Also - after Dave Reynolds direct-tweeted to Jojo's mother and asked her to email him...and she said she would....

        Dave writes his column and talks about going forward without Jojo but mentions no further info or details or if he got anything from talking with Jojo's mother.
        The last time this kind of thing happened - Dave Reynolds talked with Tyrone Cole-Scott's father then went with it and printed it verbatim as if it were fact, and yet it was later proven to be a complete lie. So I would say journalistic standards require doing a little more research than just printing what a disgruntled person says.

        BTW- I know DR has been at Wardle practices - and I know he was also at Geno Ford I am sure he easily sees the differences.
        Geno Ford practices had absolutely ZERO discipline...players came in late, goofed off, and acted generally like a wild 3rd grade class out of control...until Geno had to scream and threaten to take away playing time from players - which he did as you can look back and see almost every player who played under Geno got suspended once or twice then came back and did the same thing. And I have personally been at Geno practices and heard him call players demeaning and derogatory names, "question their manhood" (if you know what I mean) and use language NSFW - oddly even tho I am 100% certain Dave Reynolds & KW also saw this - they never wrote about it.
        But Wardle practices are like precise clockwork. They are tough, precise, and the coach demands players be on time and accountable for their actions but nobody gets abused. I can't say foul language never gets used, but I have never heard any of it. Total 180 from Geno - and I am sure DR sees the differences -so maybe he will note that in his columns. But I have never seen players abused or threatened under Wardle. He is strict but he cares very much for the guys. I have even had other people in the Athletic Dept. tell me the same thing over and over - that Geno's players were totally undisciplined and behaved like spoiled children and he had no reign on wonder so many were skipping class and getting into trouble down at Big Al's. And to think the PJS called JL's era "renegade"? In 2 1/2 years with Coach Wardle we have not had a single issue - until possibly now - and I say possibly because there's 2 sides.
        Last edited by tornado; 12-08-2017, 07:19 AM.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
          Jojo's mother is claiming some kind of "violations of his rights".

          I would like to know more about this claim. As I have said before, college sports can sometimes be rather ruthless, and that is unfortunate when it happens and affects a young athlete. But, what "rights" could have been violated. Maybe DR can enlighten us?

          I am happy to hear that Jojo will remain on scholarship and is on track to get his degree from Bradley next spring.
          Similar tweets from Mom when JoJo was at Utah State as well.....


          • #20
            I have heard similar about the reasons for Jojo's departure from Utah State


            • #21
              Is this common for players who are dismissed from a team but still keep their scholarship?


              • #22
                Originally posted by Canton BU fan View Post
                Is this common for players who are dismissed from a team but still keep their scholarship?
                Jojo is even being allowed to use some of the athletic department facilities for training and academic support for the remainder of the academic year. That is very uncommon. It does happen, but I can not recall or name another case.
                I think it shows how much the coaches and AD are trying to be fair and help Jojo, though they are not under any obligation to do so.


                • #23
                  A player we discussed here, Johnnie Vassar - a highly rated recruit that went to Northwestern... - was dismissed from the basketball team but stayed at Northwestern for more than two more years.

                  He even sued Northwestern when two years later, they tried to take his scholarship away

                  but as of last spring, he was still there - more than 3 years after he left the team...and his lawsuit is still working it's way thru the courts

                  ​Former Northwestern basketball player Johnnie Vassar's antitrust lawsuit against the school and the NCAA alleges mistreatment and ultimately could change transfer rules in college sports.

                  NOTE- all DI schools have the athlete and his family signs an athletic/scholarship agreement.
                  The wording of the agreements differ - most scholarships are for ONE YEAR at a time, but now some
                  schools (like Northwestern) are making their agreements for FOUR YEARS - obviously giving them better
                  recruiting advantages.
                  For the most part, the schools cannot yank the scholarship without reason and those reasons are laid out in
                  the agreement - such as skipping class, flunking out, and objectionable/illegal behavior... So we can each
                  decide what to believe, but we will never know all the facts as I doubt anyone but the McGlastons and a few
                  people at Bradley actually know what the terms of his scholarship agreement say and what they decided.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by tornado View Post
                    There have been some wild and irresponsible allegations made on twitter...

                    Also - after Dave Reynolds direct-tweeted to Jojo's mother and asked her to email him...and she said she would.........
                    Re: closure to an issue that had gone on for almost a year and a half....
                    as many of you recall - right after Jojo McGlaston was dismissed from the team, his mother Tweeted out
                    multiple vicious, inflammatory, attacking and condemning comments....aimed broadly at just about everyone
                    connected to Bradley - the team and staff - specifically the head coach by name and Dr. Chris Reynolds...
                    and her tirade continued on for months - calling them all liars and throwing out gobs of hateful attacks such
                    as labeling them abusive, hateful, racist, homophobic, etc...

                    well - finally, because of the diligent action of a couple Bradley Fans who persistently reported her and her offensive and unfounded
                    Tweets to the management of Twitter, she has been required to remove her attack Tweets from December 2017 thru now
                    (which had actually accounted for about 60-70% of all her tweets in that interval) so ....

           you see almost nothing on her Twitter feed from December 2017 thru March 2019 - except a few about
                    her daughter and running track........everything else is gone.....
                    Clearly she knows the truth and why she was forced to delete it all -- but explains away the sudden disappearance
                    of her Tweets in a strange way. But in the end - at least all those vile, unfair things about Bradley, Coach Wardle
                    and Dr. Chris Reynolds are all gone now.


                    • #25
                      Wow. What a sad thing to brag about.
                      Gotta stop feeding the trolls.


                      • #26
                        ? sad that someone who posted multiple false vile attacks was found to have violated the standards and required to remove them?

                        I was happy when I heard this - I have personally seen the response Twitter sent to the person who reported the offensive Tweets.
                        Those comments should have never been made and thankfully now they are removed so they can't be used as fodder for other people to attack our coaches & staff. This is a win-win and the person who posted those attacks is still free to post whatever she wants but obviously has learned a lesson.

                        Personally, I found it odd that Dave Reynolds Tweeted directly to the Twitter feed of that person asking her to contact
                        him so he could give her a bigger platform....


                        • #27
                          Because so much had developed from those tweets. People just couldn’t stop talking about them. Come on man, you’re really want to go around policing Twitter? Are you gonna find every negative thing about Bradley posted on the internet and demand it get taken down? I guess if you have nothing going on in your life that’s your perogitive. Just a sad waste of time and thing to hang your hat on.
                          Gotta stop feeding the trolls.


                          • #28
                            Twitter encourages readers to report such posts - it was their decision to remove them
                            They are gone now, and I view that as good -
                            I view Bradley basketball like my own family - and if someone said those things about my family, I'd want them removed.
                            ..but I am not taking credit - altho I complained about those Tweets a year ago - but someone else who took action more
                            recently got the job done.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by ihatetea View Post
                              Because so much had developed from those tweets. People just couldn’t stop talking about them. Come on man, you’re really want to go around policing Twitter? Are you gonna find every negative thing about Bradley posted on the internet and demand it get taken down? I guess if you have nothing going on in your life that’s your perogitive. Just a sad waste of time and thing to hang your hat on.
                              I do not think people who make irresponsible comments should be able to walk away scott free. If they are lying they had better own up to it. It is called taking responsibility for your actions. If they are lying they should be called out instead of letting them continue to spout lies ruining peoples reputations and character


                              • #30
                                not a single person who has ever met or known Dr. Chris Reynolds or who even knows about him would ever make such claims
                                about his character & Coach Wardle's as this person did on Twitter -
                                I have no problem with anyone who wants to think that way or believe those things - that is their right - BUT
                                if you say them and post them publicly then it is my right and my responsibility to respond, to oppose those statements & call that person out.


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