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Antoine Pittman decides to redshirt

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  • Antoine Pittman decides to redshirt

    Antoine Pittman is not dressed for tonight's game. Coach Wardle has announced he has decided to Red shirt this season to develop his game more. More info to come.

  • #2
    Unless I missed it, Coach Wardle did not get asked about Pittman on the postgame show.


    • #3
      I listened too. No, he did not.


      • #4
        Nice. I think he has a really high ceiling.


        • #5
          Due to this being an unusual time for him to redshirt, I wonder if he will be back next year. It sounds to me like he does not want to burn eligibility on the bench.


          • #6
            Originally posted by egib52 View Post
            Due to this being an unusual time for him to redshirt, I wonder if he will be back next year. It sounds to me like he does not want to burn eligibility on the bench.
            But unless he decides to transfer to a non-Division I school, it doesn't make sense to redshirt a year then leave. He would have to sit out another full year if he transferred to another D1 school. My understanding is that he wants to play his last 2 years here for Coach Wardle, but sees more playing time next year if he works on his offensive game, and after Jojo & Donte are gone.


            • #7
              My theory is that he doesn??™t think he??™ll get much playing time this year, so by redshirting he can see if he will play next year then transfer the following year and play D1 one last year. It??™s a hedge-your-bet type of move.
              Gotta stop feeding the trolls.


              • #8
                Can he practice with the team the rest of the year as a redshirt? I've heard Coach Wardle say how good it is for Darrell Brown to have to face Pitt -- a tough defender -- in practice.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by BUSongwriter View Post
                  Can he practice with the team the rest of the year as a redshirt? I've heard Coach Wardle say how good it is for Darrell Brown to have to face Pitt -- a tough defender -- in practice.
                  Yes, a redshiting player can practice with the team during his year off, as long as he is academically eligible.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
                    But unless he decides to transfer to a non-Division I school, it doesn't make sense to redshirt a year then leave. He would have to sit out another full year if he transferred to another D1 school. My understanding is that he wants to play his last 2 years here for Coach Wardle, but sees more playing time next year if he works on his offensive game, and after Jojo & Donte are gone.
                    also Antoine is apparently behind 3 guys in the playing rotation (DLO, Jojo, Lundy) who will be gone in 2 years when Antoine would now be a redshirt senior - perhaps giving him a chance to contribute more.


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