I agree that Louisville deserves the "death penalty", as even as recently as 2 months ago they were still "playing the game" and pursuing recruits that were "represented" by the very agent at the center of this FBI investigation who they had already funnelled hundreds of thousands of dollars to, even though they were on probation for the last basketfull of violations with their strippers & prostitutes scandal, which Pitino also didn't know anything about. 
They obviously believed they were completely immune to the rules and to the NCAA doing anything about all their cheating and scandals. Kind of like mafia bosses who never worry about breaking laws because they could always "fix" anything (I wonder if Pitino's consigliere is Tom Hagen?
I guess they never figured on the FBI moving in and cleaning house.

They obviously believed they were completely immune to the rules and to the NCAA doing anything about all their cheating and scandals. Kind of like mafia bosses who never worry about breaking laws because they could always "fix" anything (I wonder if Pitino's consigliere is Tom Hagen?

I guess they never figured on the FBI moving in and cleaning house.