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FBI and US Justice Dept. charge several college basketball coaches with corruption

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  • You knew this was coming. Coaches always sue whenever the are fired "for cause" to at least get some or all of the salary they are owed. Even if he doesn't have any chance of winning such a lawsuit, it is likely that Louisville will make a large offer to try to settle it.


    • Now Louisville is suing back, they want to recover losses and damages to their reputation and from games and titles that will be vacated


      • Breaking...
        a source is reporting that the NCAA is about to announce the penalties for Louisville...
        they are severe including forfeiting their 2013 NCAA Championship, vacating more than 100 wins from 2010-2014 and a fine of $15 mil

        these penalties are from the free hookers that were supplied to players & Recruits as impermissible benefits - but the players who were paid in the most recent scandal - that case isn't even done being investigated yet - so they could be hit harder.


        • Looks like maybe Pitino and the others charged in this FBI sting might have just found their get-out-of-jail card courtesy of the corruption and bungling of the FBI...

          one of the lead investigators from the FBI (an "undercover agent") has just been
          "accused of misappropriating government money on gambling, food and beverages during the probe...
          The Justice Department launched a criminal investigation last year into the agent??™s alleged behavior...
          If he is found culpable, it could compromise his ability to participate as a witness at any trials resulting from the investigation."


          • Latest information regarding the FBI investigation into corruption in college basketball from ESPN-
            Attorneys for former Adidas executives James Gatto and Merl Code and former sports agent Christian Dawkins are expected to argue in court Thursday that what their clients are accused of doing doesn't constitute a federal crime.

            Notable items-

            ...sources with knowledge of the FBI investigation told ESPN this week that the clandestine probe could result in potential NCAA violations for as many as three dozen Division I programs, based on information included in wiretap conversations from the defendants and financial records, e-mails and cellphone records...

            "It's not the mid-major programs who were trying to buy players to get to the top," a source told ESPN. "It's the teams that are already there."
            The sources told ESPN that many of the alleged incidents involve illegal cash payments to prospects and their families, as well as players and their families receiving tens of thousands of dollars from agents while they were still playing in college. In some cases, according to the sources, NCAA head coaches were aware of the payments, while others didn't have knowledge of the schemes.

            "At some point, the NCAA is going to see this stuff," the source said. "What are they going to do? They can't sit on their hands. If one kid is getting punished at USC for taking money, then the kid taking money at another school has to be punished, too....these people charged are outliers. This is what NCAA basketball is, and it's been that way for a long time"


            • When the notion of Power 5 conferences being formed I felt that would not last long. That the so-called big time schools would self-implode. Well I think it is about to happen. Their is a report that information will be coming out soon that would implicate over half of the big time programs. I say it is about time. The NCAA should have been doing this all along. Now they have to do something. However they will have to wait until after the Feds are done having their way. They say it will bring down Big time coaches, Big time programs. It will shake the foundation of the entire sport. I say great!!!! I hate corruption no matter where it is at


              • NCAA does not want to act against the big boys- look how many times Kentucky, UNC, Louisville etc have gotten off practically scott-free from major violations...
                but maybe this time they will be forced to act


                • I am thinking that they have to do something this time. They already look foolish. According to the report Athletic Directors and College presidents should be scared right now in the so called big time programs. I hope so. I personally think that Louisville should get the death penalty. All the violations from escorts to paying players. The President on down all had to know about it. They skewered Penn State from the President on down for knowing what Jerry Sanduskey was doing


                  • Just announced in press conference at Louisville...

                    NCAA upholds the penalties...Louisville will forfeit their National Championship (the runner-up team, Michigan, does not get awarded the national Championship, tho)

                    This is NOT related to the recent FBI sting and paying players...
                    this is due to the freebie strip tease dancers and sex-favors provided to Louisville players & recruits - which were deemed impermissible benefits,
                    and thus caused all those players to be ineligible... Louisville must then forfeit every game from 2011-2015- regular season and post-season -
                    including the 2013 National Championship!!

                    It means those 123 wins over that four year span are all forfeited - so Rick Pitino's career victory total drops from 769 to 646.

                    In all likelihood, Pitino and Louisville were also cheating in all those other years Pitino was racking up 25, 27 and even 31 wins per year -
                    but I guess NCAA isn't really gonna check those years - just the ones they know factually that the assistant (Andre McGee) was handing out the
                    sex favors and strip tease parties...

                    That means Northern Iowa (2 losses) and Illinois State, Missouri State & Wichita State (1 loss each) - are all Valley teams whose record
                    will have 1 or 2 fewer losses as those games they played against Louisville will no longer be counted at Louisville victories.

                    So now, instead of people taking about how he has won the national Championship with two different schools, and he has
                    taken 3 different schools to the Final Four - NOW Rick Pitino's major claim to fame is that he is the centerpiece of THREE
                    of the worst scandals in the history of COLLEGE BASKETBALL!


                    • awwww...and here's the worst part about it....

                      after winning the National Championship in 2013, Louisville coach Rick Pitino
                      went out and got the whole thing TATTOOED on him in celebration!!


                      • What A Fall

                        I am sure that at one time, Coach Pitino was revered by the Louisville community and fans. Now, if I understand things right, he may be in a lawsuit involving millions of dollars against those same people. How do you think that would feel to either side? You can guess how the Louisville community must feel about all that money; money that is not going to the benefit Louisville and the team they love.

                        Mind boggling.


                        • From the comments I see from Louisville fans, most are still unwilling to believe any of these charges are true, and think they are being unfairly picked on. A minority now realize they are true, and are embarrassed over what the people they trusted did.


                          • Louisville has to vacate wins from 2 and 3 years ago. Wow!! I bet that hurt????? They epitomize what corruption is today in college basketball. It is completely out of hand. They should get the death penalty. SMU did a lot less and got hammered.


                            • if anyone hasn't figured out by now...
                              cheating in upper levels of college basketball is a well-oiled machine that has carefully crafted blueprints that have been shown very effective time and time again...

                              ALL the cheating ALWAYS runs thru the LOWER LEVEL assistants....
                              Those guys are generally paid very well but ARE expendable....
                              They also can pay for cars, clothes, luxury items and obviously can pay for strippers and prostitutes...

                              And, of course, with CASH, there's never a paper trail of checks, charge card receipts, etc...
                              They also use burner phones and meet in obscure areas - such as off campus party-houses, like the Louisville recruits & their hookers did.

                              BUT - in the rare chance that someone gets caught like the Louisville people did supplying strippers and hookers - or like Bruce Pearl did hosting lavish parties with lots of freebies for recruits -
                              there will always be the DENIABILITY that the head coach can always say -"Hey, it wasn't me and I didn't know a thing about it!" - Then they throw their low level assistants under the bus and only the assistant ever gets nailed. The assistants even stay quiet and don't squeal- since they know in a couple years when their penalties are past, they will get hired again if they stay quiet - and they all know the penalties that go with getting caught are simply an obstacle that goes with the job, but heck - it sure pays pretty well for those assistants hauling down $400K to $600K per year.

                              so the head coaches - pretty much just like Al Capone did - stay clean because they shield themselves from the dirty stuff by always having the no-name, low-level assistant do the dirty work and sometimes those guys get caught and serve the penalties.


                              • It also well known that many of the top coaches have their own "bag men" for many years. Those are the guys who pass the money along and add an extra layer of insulation to protect the coaches.
                                They are people who are not affiliated with the university program. The NCAA has no authority over them and they are not subject to any NCAA rules. The NCAA can't even require them to submit to questioning, and they can't sanction them. Even if proof ever arose of the recruits getting money, there is nothing to tie that money to the school or the coaches, so only the athlete gets into trouble. Most of the time, their names and identities are never are known to the public nor even the highest level administrators at the universities. In the past, the money usually came from boosters of from the coach himself which could be connected to the school. But now the money comes from the shoe companies, and that made it easier to investigate as a federal crime, allowing the FBI to get involved.
                                That is why this FBI investigation has been so groundbreaking. The FBI was able to pursue and prosecute these people for crimes that the NCAA never could, and they were able to use methods like getting people to cooperate with them, and secretly recording conversations to obtain damning evidence and build their cases against the coaches.


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