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Who do you love to hate?

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  • Who do you love to hate?

    I saw this thread on the valleytalk board and thought it would be fun to get some opinions from BU fans. So which player(s) in the Valley do you love to hate?

    As always, let's just have some good, clean fun. Nothing too offensive. I'll get the ball rolling with one from each team.

    Creighton -- Anthony Tolliver. I'm pretty sure he destroyed us last year in Omaha. And because I think he looks funny when he dribbles.

    Drake -- Nobody really sticks out, but Klayton Korver wins by association.

    Evansville -- Bradley Strickland. I have no idea why. I just never liked him.

    Illinois St. -- Greg Dilligard. And I'm sure I won't like Boo Richardson after I see him play against us. Probably because his name is Boo.

    Indiana State -- Nobody on this team really bothers me. Way to go, Sycamores!

    Missouri State -- Blake Ahearn because I always assume his shot will fall, even if it's from the other side of halfcourt. Watching him shoot is pretty scary.

    Northern Iowa -- Eric Coleman. Especially after Mitch Holtus called him "The Long Arm of the Valley" about 800 times Friday night against Creighton.

    Southern Illinois -- All of them. I'm not sure it's possible to like a player from SIU. Respect them? Maybe. Like them? No way. But Falker and Tatum are my least favorite.

    Wichita State -- Kyle Wilson. Barf.

  • #2
    best post of the year???

    however I would have to say funk from creighton is my pick from that team just because I think hes an 8th year senior


    • #3
      Re: Who do you love to hate?

      Originally posted by Scouter

      Indiana State -- Nobody on this team really bothers me. Way to go, Sycamores!
      Royce wins hands down!


      • #4
        Kyle Wilson is easy to hate. I hate his hair and he left Illinois.


        • #5
          Some how I have learned to respect every one ... ... ...

          Until we get to the officials. I never understood the or a 'need' to go from two policeman with bad eyes to three every game; the reason behind such being ... ... ...? {Rhetorical question. I do not want to know much less need to - - - my statement answers this all in itself any way.} I enjoy watching two quality teams of which the Valley has an abundance of this year doing their collective best in winning a game without the three stooges getting themselves involved to any degree; hence my choice being only them to which I harbor a distinct dislike and disgust towards having to put up with in any college basketball game.
          Why don't eggs from chickens taste like chicken?


          • #6
            Randall Faulker. Hands down.


            • #7
              Who was it that knocked POB in the MVC final last year? I should include him if he's still there. Was it Shaw?


              • #8
                It was SIU's Tony Young.
                Here is the topic from March 7,2006 with quotes fromYoung when he bragged about it to a reporter after the MVC tournament.


                • #9
                  It's SIU for me. I really really do hate em. I like beating them more then anyone. ISU is second and would prolly be first but they've been awful since I've been here, and for a good time before and SIU has taken their place.
                  Once A Brave ... Always A Brave


                  • #10
                    OK. First, let me say that even though I hate the following list of players, they are all very good, and many of them I wouldn't mind having on my team. That's probably part of the reason I can't stand them. Here We Go, Buckle Up.

                    1.Bradley.------ Are you kidding me? Lovem' All.

                    A. Anthony Tolliver--First of all, it feels like he's been there forever, he runs and dribbles goofy, he's killed us numerous times, enuff said.
                    B. Dana Altman----Is it me, or does this guy's pants/waist get higher every year. Its like his pants are swallowing him alive. By 2010 i'm guessing he wont even need a shirt at all. Also his substitution pattern is very annoying, a sub after every free throw shot, to try and control the tempo.

                    3. Indiana State
                    A. Jay Tunnel and Trent Wertz------ I put them in the same letter because, lets face it , they are the same person give or take an inch in sideburn length.
                    B.Royce Waltman-----The monopoly man minus the mustache. Yeah, i dont like him much.

                    4. Drake
                    A. Not much for me to hate on here, except the knapp center bleachers, wow, if you are over 6 ft tall, forget about it.

                    5. Evansville
                    A. Matt Webster----A Great Player, but man i cant stand this guy. On offense he barrells his way around flopping into people, setting illegal screens shooting lean in post up shots, all while never jumping higher than 2 inches. All this ads up to countless fouls on the man gaurding him (see Zach Andrews). To top it all off, after you have to endure watching all of this, he has a free throw form that makes you want to hurl.

                    6. Illinois State----Mike Vandegard----- I know, I know he hasn't played for them in a long time, but believe its the kind of hatred that can last a lifetime.

                    7. Missouri State.
                    A.Spencer Laurie---This guy's off arm when he dribbles is amazing. It never quits. It actually seeks out defenders to push while he is dribbling using smartbomb technology. Sometimes when they play southern illinois the arm actually gets confused and attacks spencer laurie himself because it cant depict the color change between Missouri state uniforms and Southern Ill. unis.
                    B. Barry Hinson----- I should hate him but i Dont, it is really confusing me.

                    8. Southern Illinois
                    A. Matt Shaw and Randall Falker----- Again, under the same letter because they are listed for the same reason. They both will travel every time they touch the ball, whether there is any defender near them or not, im serious, every time they touch the
                    ball, watch their feet. The more amazing part of this, it may only be called about 5% of the time. When we beat Southern the other night, on the play where Randall Falker got the 3 point play to tie the game at 46, before Shaw passed him the ball, he took 3-4 baby steps with each foot towards the 3 point line on the right wing dead in front of the ref, with no defender even pressuring him, check the tape.

                    9. Wichita State
                    B. Kyle Wilson-------Obvious reasons. Hair, the dagger he hit on us in wichita to name a few. This guy looks like the guy from Adventures in Babysitting that owned Dawsons' Garage. Enuff text wasted on Kyle Wilson.

                    10. Northern Iowa.
                    A. Eric Coleman-----I dont know, just dont like him. Cant explain it.
                    B. Grant Stout-----Amazes me that somebody cant figure this guy out and shut him down on the boards. Amazingly when he plays against us he becomes a prolific scorer as well.
                    C. Ben Jacobsen-----The old player, or the new coach, pick one, I dont like either one of them, plus its just a wierd deal, ya know.

                    Well, that's my list, kinda lengthy, but I didn't want to leave anyone out. Oh, and as much as I dislike these guys I'll be rooting for them in the Non Conference games.

                    Go BU, and Go MVC!
                    DUBL R 1


                    • #11
                      Dubl R 1 great post, and welcome aboard!!


                      • #12
                        Call me old fashion, but I still like beating the birds the most. I would say that I hate Reggie Redbird, but they currently don't have a Reggie Redbird. Any chance a Bradley student could win the tryout next week?
                        1996 & 2019


                        • #13
                          Bob Donewald & Gene Smithson
                          ???We all want Bradley to win. If our methods and visions for that are different, then so be it. Don't ever attempt to tell me I am not a fan!???


                          • #14
                            Nolan Richardson ,Bob Donewald , Denny Crum because he would not bring Louisville back to play B.U. in peoria.


                            • #15
                              Thanks Tornado, I've been reading along time, but had to get involved on this thread.
                              DUBL R 1


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