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Voice of the Braves radio show

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  • Voice of the Braves radio show

    After a week off for Thanksgiving, the Voice of the Braves radio show returns tonight (Thursday, Dec. 1) and will broadcast live from Kouri's Bar & Grill on Sterling Avenue.
    Tonight's guests include Coache Brian Wardle and Coach Andrea Gorski, as well as Chuck Buescher.

    Here's a list of future show dates and sites, all from 6-7 p.m. on 1470 WMBD:

    Thursday, Dec. 1 - Kouri's Bar & Grill
    Thursday, Dec. 8 - The Fieldhouse Bar & Grill
    Thursday, Dec. 15 - Two25 (Mark Twain Hotel)
    Thursday, Dec. 22 - HyVee Market Grille (Grand Prairie)
    Thursday, Jan. 5 - Alexander's Famous Steakhouse
    Thursday, Jan. 12 - Peoria Brewing Company
    Thursday, Jan. 19 - Two25
    Thursday, Jan. 26 - The Fieldhouse Bar & Grill
    Thursday, Feb. 2 - HyVee Market Grille (Sheridan Village)
    Thursday, Feb. 9 - Lariat Steakhouse
    Thursday, Feb. 16 - Buffalo Wild Wings (Grand Prairie)
    Thursday, Feb. 23 - The Fieldhouse Bar & Grill

  • #2
    I missed this. Wrap up?


    • #3
      Originally posted by Bradleyfan1 View Post
      I missed this. Wrap up?
      I can't help since I missed it, too. WMBD used to offer podcasts, but I can't see that they do any more. I don't know if there are archived files of these shows.


      • #4
        Thanks. I looked also with no luck.


        • #5
          Voice of the Braves Coaches Show tonight (Thurs. Dec. 8 ) from The Fieldhouse Bar & Grill-


          • #6
            Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
            Here's a list of future show dates and sites, all from 6-7 p.m. on 1470 WMBD:

            Thursday, Dec. 1 - Kouri's Bar & Grill
            Thursday, Dec. 8 - The Fieldhouse Bar & Grill
            Thursday, Dec. 15 - Two25 (Mark Twain Hotel)
            Thursday, Dec. 22 - HyVee Market Grille (Grand Prairie)
            Thursday, Jan. 5 - Alexander's Famous Steakhouse
            Thursday, Jan. 12 - Peoria Brewing Company
            Thursday, Jan. 19 - Two25
            Thursday, Jan. 26 - The Fieldhouse Bar & Grill
            Thursday, Feb. 2 - HyVee Market Grille (Sheridan Village)
            Thursday, Feb. 9 - Lariat Steakhouse
            Thursday, Feb. 16 - Buffalo Wild Wings (Grand Prairie)
            Thursday, Feb. 23 - The Fieldhouse Bar & Grill
            Another Voice of the Braves Coaches Show tonight from Two 25 Restaurant


            • #7
              Radio show take questions?

              I am not familiar with the format of the Braves radio show. Do they take questions from the fans? I would like to understand the coach's thoughts on players that have contributed in the past that don't get to play at all now.


              • #8
                Yes, they have taken questions on past shows from people in attendance at the venue. I don't think they take calls. The next one is Thursday, Dec. 22 at the HyVee Market Grille at Grand Prairie on Orange Prairie Road.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
                  Yes, they have taken questions on past shows from people in attendance at the venue. I don't think they take calls. The next one is Thursday, Dec. 22 at the HyVee Market Grille at Grand Prairie on Orange Prairie Road.
                  Due to the team's travel Thursday and concerns over actually being able to make it back to Peoria as scheduled, this week's show (Dec. 22) is being postponed and will be made up March 9. The next show will be Jan. 5 at Alexander's Steakhouse.
                  Bradley Associate AD for Communications and Operations


                  • #10
                    Reminder- there is a Voice of the Braves radio show Thursday night from Alexander's Steakhouse. They are featuring a specially priced dinner for Bradley fans-


                    • #11
                      3 great guests on radio show with host Dave Snell. Coach Wardle, player DLO, and Bobby Parker. Questions were to point. Answers were with meaningful content.


                      • #12
                        Thanks for the report!
                        I missed last night's show, but Dave Snell always does a great job running these programs, providing great guest input, and making them interesting.


                        • #13
                          Is there a link to this show that those of us out of town can access?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by LongTimeFan View Post
                            Is there a link to this show that those of us out of town can access?
                            Yes, it is broadcast live on WMBD radio 1470 AM and 100.3 FM. And for out-of-town fans, you can hear it streamed live on WMBD's website-
                            Go here then click on the red arrow at the top left of the main screen-

                            Thursdays from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM Central time (I think that would be 4:00-5:00 PM for west coast fans like LongTimeFan)


                            • #15
                              Is there a stored copy of the program that can be accessed online?


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