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Search for a new President

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  • Search for a new President

    There is an update...

    here's the original message about the search - you have to watch the 2 min video

    Here's the update, the search has been narrowed to "approximately 15 candidates", but they are not identified

    The expressed hope is to cut to 8 candidates by July then bring them to campus for interviews.
    I think each candidate should be required to host an open forum or "town hall" meeting so alums and financial supporters of the University can meet them.

  • #2
    Search for a New President

    t....I agree with you that an open forum of some kind would be very good. Since such a form might be a little crowded, an open meeting with each finalist candidate and a panel that would question each of them might be a reasonable format.
    The "narrowed" field of 15 candidates seems a little large to me as does 8 finalists but as long as the candidates are thoroughly vetted with due diligence to obtain a very clear picture of each of them so there are no surprises, the process seems to be moving along okay.


    • #3
      after the hirings of Dr. Reynolds as AD & Coach Wardle - I have a renewed faith in the actions of our Board of Trustees - but so much of the Board actions are confidential that obviously we don't even know how much we don't even know ....


      • #4
        PJS...Bradley presidential search down to 15 names:
        Car lovers will be in heaven this weekend when the 32nd Annual Cheboygan Custom and Classic Car Show brings a little style and horsepower to the streets of Cheboygan. The show kicks off Friday, June …


        • #5
          Just so long as there is an open forum and the finalists are public, I am perfectly fine. I don't care about the forum or structure, but I do not like the idea that those being considered are not shared with the University community. If the search committee is confident in their review process, they should feel comfortable sharing those candidates with the public.


          • #6
            Just got the latest Bradley President's report & Financial data....
            ..from the "President Emerita"

            what stands out so remarkably both good & bad:
            -enrollment the past two years is down 5-6% over 2010-2012 and the past historical averages
            -donations and financial support from alumni is down a striking 53.1-76.2% from 2012 and prior years
            -the reliance on tuition to cover expenses rose by 8-10% forcing the rise in tuition
            -the total assets & endowment are still quite strong due largely to the strength of the return on investments- which obviously allowed the substantial spending recently to make the changes - so that's good
            Apparently the wisdom put into the investments has offset the other losses and Bradley remains fairly strong thru the "crisis" and the overspending of $6-7 mil per year in Athletics each of the past few years


            • #7
              that last entry was ONE year ago....things looked pretty dark...

              Originally posted by tornado View Post
              Just got the latest Bradley President's report & Financial data....
              ..from the "President Emerita"

              what stands out so remarkably both good & bad:
              -enrollment the past two years is down 5-6% over 2010-2012 and the past historical averages
              -donations and financial support from alumni is down a striking 53.1-76.2% from 2012 and prior years....
              ....losses/overspending of $6-7 mil per year in Athletics each of the past few years
              Time to give thanks to the new President, AD, and coaches who are taking the problems left behind and making tremendous headway...
              Go Braves!


              • #8
                That's great news. Oh sorry, wrong President.
                What part of illegal don't you understand?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by tornado View Post
                  Just got the latest Bradley President's report & Financial data....
                  ..from the "President Emerita"

                  what stands out so remarkably both good & bad:
                  -enrollment the past two years is down 5-6% over 2010-2012 and the past historical averages
                  -donations and financial support from alumni is down a striking 53.1-76.2% from 2012 and prior years
                  -the reliance on tuition to cover expenses rose by 8-10% forcing the rise in tuition
                  -the total assets & endowment are still quite strong due largely to the strength of the return on investments- which obviously allowed the substantial spending recently to make the changes - so that's good
                  Apparently the wisdom put into the investments has offset the other losses and Bradley remains fairly strong thru the "crisis" and the overspending of $6-7 mil per year in Athletics each of the past few years
                  the very thing that finally tipped the scales, opened the eyes of the Board & led to the housecleaning - was the big drop in enrollment..

                  that seems to be well on the way to getting resolved now that the main "PROBLEM(S)" is/are gone.

                  In an interview in the PJS President Gary Roberts confirms that the horrible job being done by the previous President that caused the enrollment drop...
                  "... led to the transition in this job. That's been turned around."
                  Indeed, Bradley's incoming freshman class this fall is projected at just shy of 1,100, a 16 percent increase from last year.
                  For two consecutive years, freshmen enrollment had dropped below 1,000."

                  Gary Roberts also announces a new capital project..
                  "the Convergence Center, which will replace Jobst and Baker Halls and house both the engineering and business colleges.
                  Groundbreaking is targeted for next summer."

        , the financial picture must really be turned around if they are embarking on huge, new capital projects!

                  He also gives great news about an increase in donor support..
                  "Annual giving is starting to rebound after dipping in recent years."

                  And - although we all know this -- he'd better be careful saying things like this..
                  "Chris Reynolds (hired prior to last school year) may well be the best athletic director in the country...
                  "He's gotten things into shape. I'm real optimistic we'll have good on-field and on-court performance in our revenue sports.
                  Most important, from an overall university standpoint, is we'll see an increase in athletic revenues and a decrease in the athletic subsidy."

                  It all add


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by tornado View Post
                    Just got the latest Bradley President's report & Financial data....
                    ..from the "President Emerita"

                    what stands out so remarkably both good & bad:
                    -enrollment the past two years is down 5-6% over 2010-2012 and the past historical averages
                    -donations and financial support from alumni is down a striking 53.1-76.2% from 2012 and prior years
                    -the reliance on tuition to cover expenses rose by 8-10% forcing the rise in tuition
                    -the total assets & endowment are still quite strong due largely to the strength of the return on investments- which obviously allowed the substantial spending recently to make the changes - so that's good
                    Apparently the wisdom put into the investments has offset the other losses and Bradley remains fairly strong thru the "crisis" and the overspending of $6-7 mil per year in Athletics each of the past few years
                    the very thing that led finally tipped the scales, opened the eyes of the Board & led to the housecleaning - was the big drop in enrollment..

                    that seems to be well on the way to getting resolved now that the main problem is gone.

                    In an interview in the PJS President Gary Roberts confirms that the enrollment is back up this year...
                    "... led to the transition in this job. That's been turned around."

                    Indeed, Bradley's incoming freshman class this fall is projected at just shy of 1,100, a 16 percent increase from last year. For two consecutive years, freshmen enrollment had dropped below 1,000."

                    Gary Roberts also talked about the new capital project..
                    "the Convergence Center, which will replace Jobst and Baker Halls and house both the engineering and business colleges.
                    Groundbreaking is targeted for next summer."

                    ..The financial picture must be a little better if they are embarking on a big new capital project.

                    He also gives great news about an increase in donor support..
                    "Annual giving is starting to rebound after dipping in recent years."

                    And ..
                    "Chris Reynolds (hired prior to last school year) may well be the best athletic director in the country...
                    "He's gotten things into shape. I'm real optimistic we'll have good on-field and on-court performance in our revenue sports.
                    Most important, from an overall university standpoint, is we'll see an increase in athletic revenues and a decrease in the athletic subsidy."

                    Thank you President Gary Roberts! Barely 6 months on the job here as President of Bradley University, and getting the job done..
                    things are looking up...


                    • #11
                      MORE great news for Bradley...(but bad news for those who had their noses up JG's hindside)

                      Our new President Dr. Gary Roberts had already reversed the 8 year slide in enrollment that the previous administration managed to bungled badly...
                      AND- he's only been on the job full time for eight months.

                      "About 1,100 freshmen are set to begin school Aug. 24, according to Gary Roberts,
                      the university president. That’s an increase of about 15 percent from recent freshman classes.

                      “The last two years, we’ve been under 950, which is financially unsustainable for us,” Roberts said Friday.
                      “We would like to have between 1,050 and 1,100 freshmen every year. This (year) puts us at the very top of that range.”

                      "Total enrollment, including graduate students, is expected to be at least 5,200, Bradley
                      spokeswoman Renee Charles said. Recent enrollment has been in the 4,800-4,900 range."

                      "Bradley graduate-student numbers also are higher... "

                      Originally posted by tornado View Post
                      Gary Roberts also talked about the new capital project..
                      "the Convergence Center, which will replace Jobst and Baker Halls and house both the engineering and business colleges.
                      Groundbreaking is targeted for next summer."

                      ..The financial picture must be a little better if they are embarking on a big new capital project....
                      also Dr. Roberts gives more details about a new - nearly $70 million capital project!!

                      nice coverage by Nick Vlahos
                      Last edited by tornado; 08-13-2016, 03:52 PM.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by tornado View Post
                        MORE great news for Bradley...

                        Our new President Dr. Gary Roberts had already reversed the 8 year slide in enrollment ...

                        [size][B][I]"About 1,100 freshmen are set to begin school Aug. 24, according to Gary Roberts,
                        the university president. That??™s an increase of about 15 percent from recent freshman classes....
                        bucking the general trend - with Bradley's enrollment up so much - this has become a big NATIONAL story..

                        PEORIA, Ill. (AP) - Enrollment at Bradley University for the upcoming academic year increased with about 150 more freshmen than what the school has had in recent years. University President Gary Robe...


                        • #13
                          Speaking of the President, I was fortunate to have had a chance to see the detailed plans for the new Business and Engineering Convergence Center mentioned a couple posts ago. It will replace Baker and Jobst Halls along Main Street with all new construction. Eventually, Morgan Hall will also be replaced, too.
                          The design is fantastic and cutting edge, and will reshape the university's appearance, especially from the Main St. side where most people see it.
                          President Roberts met with high-level state and local officials this past Friday to unveil the plans. Construction is expected to start next spring, and will take place in 2 phases over the next 4 years, but when completed it will be an incredible building with state of the art facilities.

                          This article by Nick Vlahos has a list of the VIPs who were at the meeting.


                          • #14
                            "Enrollment at Bradley University is back up after two disappointing years."


                            • #15
                              GREAT interview with Dr. Gary Roberts - scroll forward to 37:15
                              Dr. Roberts says the ENROLLMENT INCREASE is actually 17-18% higher this year (not the 15-16% previously reported). (929 --> to --> 1100)

                              He notes that the TWO SMALL CLASSES (the last two freshmen classes that started in fall of 2015 & 2016 that were terribly small due to former failed policies) are still gonna have an impact on revenue but the recovery is tremendous and so NO further layoffs or financial cutbacks whatsoever are planned at Bradley!

                              ..and here's the most optimistic part...late in the interview - Dr. Roberts says he's just getting started, just learning things and things are gonna get even better!
                              He even mentions athletics, the new ice cream flavor, and the new building project....things are really looking good.


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